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Warm Up – December 8 A Washington Post reporter named Jason Rezaian has been detained in Iran for 4 months without being charged. Over the weekend he.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up – December 8 A Washington Post reporter named Jason Rezaian has been detained in Iran for 4 months without being charged. Over the weekend he."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up – December 8 A Washington Post reporter named Jason Rezaian has been detained in Iran for 4 months without being charged. Over the weekend he was formally charged but the reason was not given. He was also denied a lawyer and bail. How did you grade Iran on the “rights to a trial” category? Does this example support your grade? Why or why not? Turn in Government Idol if you have not already done so.

2 Warm Up – December 9 Explain why international trade requires a system for exchanging currencies between nations.

3 Notebook Update 49 – 12/19 – Two types of Democracy and comparison (Venn or chart) 50 – 12/9 – Governments of ME map 51 – 12/9 – Study Guide

4 Warm Up – December 10 SS7E6.a Explain how specialization encourages trade between countries. What is specialization? Give an example of a way that specialization encourages trade from your life. Hint: think about why are there so many different kinds of stores? Give an example of a way that specialization encourages trade between countries.

5 Warm up – December 11 Chart 1 Chart 2
Both of these charts show information about the same country in the Middle East. What country is it? What topic is being shown in each chart? 3. How would these look if we were showing Israel? Iraq one shows ethnic group, 2 shows religion Israel is 755 jewish for both ethnic and religion – 20% arab 5% other, religion 17%muslim, 2 % christian

6 Warm Up – December 12 I am out this day Map review for warm up

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