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Animal Farm Literary Character Group Project

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1 Animal Farm Literary Character Group Project

2 Read/Body Buddy Project
Warm UP Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Read/Body Buddy Project HW: Finish Novel Body Buddy Project HW: Finish Project Animal Farm Test MG Present Projects

3 Lets look at some examples…
You will be assigned a character from, Animal Farm, and illustrate a body Poster that depicts the traits of that character. Your project must include the following: 3 Traits: Use the list of character traits you were given to select 3 traits that best describe your character 3 Quotes: You will select 3 quotes with MLA citations that are evidence of the 3 character traits you selected. 3 Symbols: As you illustrate your character you will incorporate 3 symbols that represent your character. The symbols must be incorporated into the picture of your character. NO RANDOM FLOATING SYMBOLS! Lets look at some examples…

4 Juliet Romeo and Juliet This was done with 10 quotes, Written all around the body, but you only need 3 quotes. You’re welcome! 3 Symbols with in the drawing that represent her 3 character traits: Blooming rose in her hair represents her innocence Sword on her back represent her being a fighter, especially for love. Dagger and Poison on her neck represent her immaturity… NO BOY IS WORTH DYING OVER!!

5 Janie Crawford from Their Eyes Were Watching God
3 Symbols with in the drawing that represent her 3 character traits: Hands tied represent her being a people pleaser thus being how they wanted her Burning head scarf represents her transition into becoming independent. Dropping money because although she had money it meant nothing to her. She was a hopeless romantic.

6 Animal Farm Literary Character Group Project Rubric
Neat in appearance ____/10 Character’s name is at the top of the poster _____/5 3 symbols of the character integrated in the illustration ____/30 3 Specific character traits integrated into the character ____/30 3 quotes from the novel that show the character traits ____/30 Group Presentation ____/20 prepared and articulate; could you effectively and appropriately explain/discuss your poster did you cover all of the required materials as well as any questions were all group members participating TOTAL _____/125 = ____% ASSESSMENT GRADE

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