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Your Safety: It’s our job and our honor..

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Presentation on theme: "Your Safety: It’s our job and our honor.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Safety: It’s our job and our honor.

2 A Record of Safety We have…
“Our vision is for Columbia to be the most talented, educated and entrepreneurial city in America. But it all starts with being the safest.” - Mayor Steve Benjamin We have… Increased our police budget by nearly $6.5 Million Purchased 81 new police vehicles Secured over $2.8 Million in law enforcement grants Fostered new regional and multi-jurisdictional partnerships CPD is at full capacity for the first time in 15 years

3 We’ve seen improvement…
Assault: Down 5% 2010 2012 Auto Break-in: Down 17% 2010 2012 Rape: Down 35% 2010 2012 Homicide Down 50% 2010 2012

4 And we’ve seen challenges…
2012 2012 2012 2010 2010 2010 Burglary: Up 12% Theft: Up 16% Robbery Up 23%

5 Today crime is down in nearly every single category across Columbia:
Property Crime is down over 15% and Violent Crime is down nearly 30% for a total 17% drop in crime citywide for the first quarter of 2013. Larceny Rape Assault Burglary Robbery Car Theft Homicide 11% 15% 25% 29% 36% 43% 100%

6 Taking Action Increase in arrests over the past two years are a result of more officers on the street and increased neighborhood patrols. Arrest Type 2011 2012 % Change Violent 211 312 47.87% Property 838 1,357 61.93% Public Order 6,077 6,642 9.30% Total 7,126 8,311 16.63%

7 for the first time in 15 YEARS
Boots on the Ground CPD is Fully Staffed for the first time in 15 YEARS 26 additional officers in North Region since 2011 47 Total North Region Officers (7 Officers in Training) Special Operations Group (1 Sergeant and 5 Officers) Reopened Latimer Manor Sub Station

8 Working Together The new cooperative agreement between CPD and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department allows for an unprecedented level of teamwork and leverages new resources for crime fighting throughout both jurisdictions. Thanks to a new North Columbia Apartment Managers Coalition, as many as 33 apartment managers meet with North Region’s command personnel quarterly to discuss crime trends and prevention strategies. CPD has established new relationships with public safety stakeholders like the Columbia College Police Department and Palmetto Health Richland’s security staff and meet weekly to share information.

9 Security Cameras May 3, The City of Columbia partners with community leaders, the North Columbia Business Association and Statewide Security Systems to launch the North Main Camera Project

10 North Main Camera Project
96 = Total North Region security cameras installed as of November 1, 2012 263 = Total citywide cameras installed as of January 1, 2013 $25,000 = Total city investment (North Columbia) $100,000 = Total city investment (Citywide) They’re up. They’re working. They’re solving crimes!

11 Eau Claire: June 1, 2010 – Present
Code Enforcement Eau Claire: June 1, 2010 – Present 7,607 total cases opened (94% resolved) 2,982 Care of Premises 1,454 Zoning 932 Care of Vacant Lots 590 Housing 588 Abandoned/Derelict Vehicles 750 Roll Cart Violations 63 Boarded Up Structures 248 Miscellaneous 20 Code Enforcement Demolitions House pictured: 4908 Norman Street Demolished on August 9, 2012 Boarded up since 2008 Was a haven for criminal activity Since taking office: 20 Code Enforcement Demolitions in Eau Claire 14 were Abandoned/Derelict Structures 33 more in the Demolition Queue 4 will be demolished in the next 60 days 11 pending title search and demo order 18 under demo notice “These building are more than eyesores. They drive down property values, erode neighborhood pride and attract gangs and drug dealers who use them to hide from law enforcement.” - Mayor Steve Benjamin

12 New Technology In this day and age when information moves at the speed of light, new evolutions in law enforcement technology are more important than ever. By integrating new data sharing applications like Coplink and crime forecasting software like Predictive Policing will put Columbia on the cutting edge and help build a smarter more data-driven law enforcement strategy.

13 New Initiatives PACE Team (Pro-Active Community Enforcement)
E.S.C.A.P.E Drug Suppression Team Joint Gang Task Force Crime Analysis Unit Cyber Safety Citizens Police Academy Crime Prevention Unit Nixle Notification System CPD Bike Patrol

14 How You Can Help

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