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What will grading look like?

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Presentation on theme: "What will grading look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What will grading look like?
Standards-Based Grading Authentic work to show proficiency Rubrics for grading 3 is the place to be A 4 is hard to come by Proficiency to Standard Standard-Based Grade Translation Assignment Weight AP-Advanced 4 A Pre-Assessment % MP-Meets 3 B Classwork % DP-Developing 2 C Projects % BP-Below 1 D Quizzes/Tests % NA-Not Applicable Below 1 F

2 What is the due date? All work is expected to be finished on the date it is due unless there are circumstances beyond our control or there are legally documented accommodations in place. To get an extension past the due date, students must ask for a meeting to present the reason they need more time. This needs to be done before the due date. If no extension has been agreed upon, student grades will go down one point per day, or one proficiency grade each week it is past due. If students have three or more missing or late assignments in a quarter, we will set up a conference with parents and the student to find out what is getting in the way of completing the assignments.

3 K-8 Work at Home Policy Typically, Westgate students do not have school work to complete at home. We want them to have time to be kids, spend time with family, and pursue other passions. Exceptions to this norm are: When a student has make-up work from absences, When extra practice is needed to become proficient in a skill, When a student has been unproductive during their class time, 4. When there is a special “at home project.”

4 Mr. Rowan’s Math Class My Goal: My goal is to provide all students with access to the richness of mathematical and technological resources, so they will be able to apply mathematical principles to solve problems in their daily lives by concentrating on making connections and using principles of mathematics to communicate, reason, make representations, and solve problems in real-world contexts.

5 Quarter 1 Rational and Irrational Numbers Expressions and Equations Graphing Equations ᴑ Number categories and names: Rational and Irrational; ᴑ Exponents; ᴑ integer exponents; ᴑ equivalent expressions; ᴑ Square and cube roots; ᴑ perfect squares and cube roots; ᴑ Powers of 10; ᴑ Scientific notation: add, subtract, multiply, divide ᴑ Interpretation of proportional relationships; ᴑ Slope; y= mx+b; x- and y-intercepts;"

6 Quarter 2 Solving Linear Equations 6-7 weeks "ᴑ Linear equations; ᴑ Linear equations with a different number of solutions; ᴑ Linear equations with rational coefficients; ᴑ Systems of equations introduction; ᴑ Solving systems of linear equations; ᴑ Equations with two variables;"

7 Quarter 3. Function Basics. Using Functions
Quarter 3 Function Basics Using Functions Geometry ᴑ Functions, ᴑ input/output, ᴑ graphing functions; ᴑ Properties of Functions; ᴑ Linear vs. Nonlinear Functions ᴑ Modeling linear relationship with functions; ᴑ Analyzing functions based on a graph ᴑ Rigid transformations ᴑ Dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections; ᴑ Informal arguments about sum of angles, ᴑ triangle similarity: ""angle, angle"" (AA), ""side, angle, side"" (SAS), ""side, side, side"" (SSS);"

8 Quarter 4 Pythagorean Theorem Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data ᴑ Applying Pythagorean Theorem to real-world problems; ᴑ Pythagorean Theorem and distance between two points; ᴑ Volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres - formulas;" “ ᴑ Scatter Plots, ᴑ Line of best fit, ᴑ Bivariate measurement data; ᴑ Patterns of association, ᴑ two-way frequency tables;"

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