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A White Blood Cell Study: The Differential WBC Count Blood Typing

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1 A White Blood Cell Study: The Differential WBC Count Blood Typing
Exercise 40 & 45

2 The Components of Blood
Blood is a connective tissue 45% Formed Elements (solid portion) Blood cells Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets 55% Plasma (liquid portion) Clear, extra-cellular fluid

3 Looking at White Blood Cells
Leukocytes: Granulocytes Contain granules in their cytoplasm that contain digestive enzymes. Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Leukocytes: Agranulocytes Lack pronounced granules in the cytoplasm Lymphocytes Monocytes

4 Neutrophils Neutrophils are one of the body’s main defenses against bacteria. They kill bacteria via phagocytosis When a bacterial infection is present, an increase of neutrophils are seen

5 NEUTROPHIL Smaller, paler granules In the cytoplasm
Characteristically lobulated With thin bridges between

6 EOSINOPHIL Kills parasites and involved in allergic reactions
Bilobed nuclei Granules are large and Pronounced. Orange in Appearance. Kills parasites and involved in allergic reactions

7 BASOPHIL Function in allergic reactions. Release histamine and heparin
Few in number. Dark granules. Nuclei are large and vary in shape. Function in allergic reactions. Release histamine and heparin

8 Lymphocytes Complex cells that direct the body's immune system. T lymphocytes are formed in the bone marrow from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells, then travel to and mature in the thymus gland. B lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow. Lymphocytes are different from the other WBCs because they can recognize and have a memory of invading bacteria and viruses.

9 LYMPHOCYTE Small lymphocytes are more abundant, have large,
dense nuclei with a thin cytoplasmic layer. Large lymphocytes have an indented nuclei and more cytoplasm. Blood Platelets

10 MONOCYTE Largest cells found in normal blood. Nucleus may be ovoid,
indented, or horseshoe- shaped. Considerably more cytoplasm than lymphocytes. Voracious phagocytes.

11 Neutrophil Eosinophil Monocyte & Lymphocyte Monocyte

12 Trypanosoma Gambiense: sleeping sickness carried by the tsetse fly
Trip anna soma GAM-be-ense. Animal parasite.

13 Sickle Cell Anemia

14 Infectious Mononucleosis
Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, a DNA herpes-type virus that infects B lymphocytes.

15 Blood Typing Blood Groups: A, B, O System
Letters are describing the RBCs Group A: A antigen; B antibody Group B: B antigen; A antibody Group AB: A & B antigen; NO antibody Group O: NO antigen; A & B antibody Antigen = Agglutinogen Antibody = Agglutinins

16 Group A Blood = A antigen on the RBC Anti B - antibody in plasma

17 Group B Blood Anti A - antibody in plasma = B antigen on the RBC

18 Group AB NO antibody’s in plasma = A & B antigens on the RBC

19 Group O NO antigen on the RBC Anti A & B - antibodies in plasma

20 Rh Factor Presence of D antigen = Rh+ Absence of D antigen = Rh-
Exposure to Rh positive blood will produce antibodies. Rh- mother carrying Rh+ fetus may be at risk endangering future pregnancies with Rh+ child.

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