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Write these important dates in your agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "Write these important dates in your agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write these important dates in your agenda:
04/18/2017 Tue. (04/18) – Progress Reports - Field Day T-shirts deadline Wed. (04/19) – GA Milestones Begin If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts Opening Session 04/18/17
Georgia Milestones Rotation Stations (7-12) Finish any remaining work for stations 7-12. If you do not have work from any of the stations (7-12), it is YOUR responsibility to get it today. Items 1-6 are PAST DUE! Items 7-12 are due TODAY!

3 Language Arts – Work Session 04/18/17
REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: Stations 7-12 work The following items are PAST DUE: Stations 1-6 work Upcoming items: Biblionasium Book Review

4 Language Arts – Work Session 04/18/17
Georgia Milestones Rotation Stations (7-12) 1-6 = Past Due 7-12 = Due Today

5 Language Arts – Work Session 04/18/17
Georgia Milestones Rotation Stations 7 – P.O.V. (Use p. 147 of your I.A.N.) 8 – Author’s Purpose ( Use p. 97 of your I.A.N.) 9 – Compare & Contrast 10 - Pronouns 11 – Text Structure 12 – Capitalization (Use p. 145 of your I.A.N.)

6 Language Arts – Work Session 04/18/17
Essential Question: How can I adequately prepare for the Georgia Milestones? Standard: ELACC6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

7 Language Arts – Closing Session 04/18/17
Georgia Milestones Rotation Stations (7-12) 1-6 = Past Due 7-12 = Due Today

8 GA Milestones Prep. – Testing Groups
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T /14/17 GA Milestones Prep. – Testing Groups Students will take the online practice Friday, Monday, and Tuesday with their Milestones testing groups. Use our class blog to access the Milestones practice link.

9 S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 04/13/17 Math Day – Quadrants
Due TODAY – “LearnZillion: Practice Set C” - ABC Order (from Tuesday) Due Tomorrow – “You are in the Club!” Due Tuesday – “Quadrants”

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