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Neurotransmitter Scramble

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1 Neurotransmitter Scramble
Who am I? Neurotransmitter Scramble

2 1. I am generally associated with pain relief

3 2. A lack of me may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease

4 3. I activate the reward pathway

5 4. I am associated with runner’s high

6 5. The black widow spider’s venom interferes with me

7 6. I interact with SSRI’s

8 7. I am the primary excitatory neurotransmitter

9 8. I am also known as adrenaline

10 9. Drugs like heroin increases my release

11 10. I am the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter

12 11. I am associated with learning and memory

13 12. I am produced in the brain and by the adrenal glands

14 13. I am produced during the “fight or flight” response

15 14. Lack of me may be associated with Parkinson’s disease

16 15. Drugs like Zoloft and Paxil are associated with me

17 16. I am associated with alertness and arousal

18 17. Too much of me can be associated with Schizophrenia

19 18. I am associated with voluntary muscle movements

20 19. Too much of me may be associated with mania

21 20. I am associated with mood

22 21. A lack of me may be treated with L-DOPA

23 22. I am associated with appetite

24 23. I have a morphine-like effect on the body

25 24. Too little of me may be associated with aggressive behavior

26 25. I am associated feelings of pleasure

27 26. Malfunctions of me may result in Huntington’s disease

28 27. I alert the body to danger

29 28. Valium impacts me

30 29. I block substance P receptors, which carry messages for pain

31 30. Low levels of me may be associated with ADHD

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