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Progress report on WP 8 Prepared by dr Vera Petrović, The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (VISER) Presented by Vladimir.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress report on WP 8 Prepared by dr Vera Petrović, The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (VISER) Presented by Vladimir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress report on WP 8 Prepared by dr Vera Petrović, The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (VISER) Presented by Vladimir Cerić (VISER) DBBT project meeting, Unversity of Bihać/Univerzitet u Bihaću (UNBI), Bihać, July 2018. The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade

2 Progress report WP8 VISER is the leader of WP8
VISER has collected and compiled report on 8.1 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT VISER has collected and compiled report on 8.4. Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant stakeholders, as well as sustainability of this cooperation.

3 WP 8.1 The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade

4 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
VISER has collected and compiled report on 8.1 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT

5 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Master Academic Studies for UPKM

6 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Master Academic Studies for SINGI

7 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Master Academic Studies for UNBL

8 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Master Academic Studies for UNBI ??.??.????

9 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Master Applied Studies for VISER

10 Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT - WP 8.1
Accreditation Certificate for the Study program of Specialist Professional Studies for HTPSZ

11 WP 8.2 The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade

12 The Current Cooperation with Industry Partners – WP 8.2
Industry partners actively participate in the teaching process through various models of cooperation: In the first phase of the project, industry partners jointly worked with HEI in defining curricula of master study programs, for which all the projects’ institutions got accreditation (licenses); Through the cooperation, industry partners made the list of the equipment that should be implemented in practical (laboratory) classes, and that will enable students to get practical knowledge that is going to be applicable for the future employment. Industry partners and HEI from EU organized teachers/students training for using purchased equipment Industry partners are actively involved in the teaching process Eminent experts from the industry held lectures for the students and teachers. Industry partners organize Student internship and production of Master thesis work

13 Sustainability of Cooperation with Industry after the Project Ends – WP 8.2
It is agreed to jointly with partners from industry, WB HEI apply for national and European projects in order to make best possible conditions for usage of the equipment purchased thanks to DBBT project in order to follow the new technologies and implement commercial projects that will be jointly offered on the market. In HEI that meet preconditions, Industry and HEI teachers will organize short cycle lectures and practical lectures in the field of digital TV and multimedia for those that are interested in production and broadcast of TV content on different platforms. All students from partner HEI will carry out Student internship and Master thesis work in partner institutions. All HEI that meet preconditions, will preproduce and produce student TV content in the field of science and culture that will be offer to commercial TV stations.

14 Sustainability of Cooperation with Industry after the Project Ends – WP 8.2
VISER and UPKM started the production of Student News that will continue after the project ends. VISER and UPKM will coproduce educational TV content/shows. HEIs from Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, will commercially help to speed-up the process of digitalization with the purchased equipment (measuring the signal level from the transmitter, working on project of digitalization). In cooperation with the partner institution JP ETV started the experimental broadcast of digital radio program (DAB) from Avala transmitter, this will continue after the project ends. UBI, thanks to the equipment purchased through DBBT project, will help expand the knowledge in the field in order to develop commercial applications for Set-Boxes. In accordance with the Contract on business-technical cooperation between TV Mreža and UPKM will start the implementation of new services such as HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadbant TV), EPG (Electronic Program Guides) and VOD (Video on Demand).

15 Sustainability of Cooperation with Industry after the Project Ends – WP 8.2
UPKM will jointly with the collogues from independent TV Mreža continue production of several student TV shows in the field of science, TV news, and the TV station called Studentski impuls started to work hosting the students from whole University. Finished TV shows will broadcast on TV Most – Zvečan, RTV Puls – Šilovo, RTV Mir – Leposavić, through cable and IPTV platform, through website of Faculty of Technical Science on official Youtube channel and through social media Facebook and Instagram. Faculty of Tehnical Sciences (UPKM) with the partner institution TV Most made an application with the national Ministry of Culture and Media for funding 6 educational TV shows Digital semester, that talk about students’ life: service information, hosting the important students and professors from University, presentation of new scientific discoveries and practical implementation of different knowledge from variety of fields.

16 WP 8.4 The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, Belgrade

17 Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant stakeholders – WP 8.4
The business and technical cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Technical Sciences, the University of Pristina (UPKM) and JP ETV from Belgrade The business and technical cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Technical Sciences, the University of Pristina (UPKM) and the TV Mreza, Silovo

18 Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant stakeholders – WP 8.4
The business and technical cooperation agreement between the School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Engineering from Belgrade (VISER) and the Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), Prva TV, B92 TV and Srpska Naucna TV (SNTV) VISER and the Crater studio (branch of the Crater VFH Training Center) as well as the studio for audio and visual production MarkoCut, established a cooperation which is reflected in organizing students' professional practice VISER and the Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation has established business technical cooperation VISER and JP ETV has established business technical cooperation VISER and the Dom Omladine Beograd includes the realization of cooperation which is reflected in the organization of professional practice VISER and the Center for Music and Drama Art "ART BEAT"

19 Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant stakeholders – WP 8.4
The business and technical cooperation agreement between the Singidunum University and JP ETV from Belgrade has established cooperation The protocol on cooperation between the Technical Faculty of the University of Bihać (Erasmus+ DBBT) and RTV USK Bihać implies the development of a master study program "KA2 DBBT Digital Transmission” The essence of the business and technical cooperation agreement between the Higher Technical Professional School in Zvečan and TV Herc is cooperation in the field of education and professional training of staff from TV Herc. The purpose of the business and technical cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Banja Luka (ETF) and the Communications Regulatory Agency of BIH is: joint appearance in the design of project applications, cooperation on issuing various publications, organization of ETF students' visits to the Agency, conducting professional practice of students

20 Thank you for attention!
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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