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CCEA Essential Skills Application of Number Levels 1 and 2

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1 CCEA Essential Skills Application of Number Levels 1 and 2
Corr’s Corner 30th November 2017

2 Agenda Welcome and introduction
Overview of Essential Skills Application of Number Level 1 – The standards Level 2 – The standards Feedback on recent examination series Questions Close

3 Guided Learning Hours Guided Learning = 45 hours
Underpinning knowledge and skills teaching Total Qualification Time = 60 hours Exam preparation eg examination type questions

4 Structure of Levels 1 and 2
There is just one component: CCEA test for each level - externally provided by CCEA and externally marked by CCEA The tests will be based on the refreshed standards for Application of Number levels 1 and 2 Each test will test a level with no facility to drop-down to a lower level Tests will be paper-based and available in four series per year There are no pre-requisites for entering a candidate for a level but it is advisable for centres to ‘base-line’ their candidates and ensure each candidate is being entered at the correct level Level 1 – same level of difficulty as GCSE D to G Level 2 – same level of difficulty as GCSE A* to C

5 The Purpose of the Qualification
The purpose of the qualification is to improve the numeracy skills of 14+ learners in Northern Ireland by providing opportunity for learners to: gain the most from life, learning and work; become better qualified; apply their number skills to practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts; and better understand the purpose and relevance of number in tackling problems and finding solutions.

6 The Skills Standards Essentials Skills qualifications in AoN assess three components: Representing information (Representing) selecting the mathematics and information to model a situation Carrying out calculations (Calculating) processing and using mathematics Interpreting results & presenting findings (Interpreting) interpreting and presenting findings

7 The Tests Tests are scenario-based
everyday familiar and unfamiliar contexts, eg Plan a night out – consider any discounts or offers that may reduce the cost eg menu prices, group discounts, early bird offers etc Measure lengths and areas to carry out calculations to do with home decorating Describe, using the language of probability – the chance of gender within a particular year group

8 The Tests Level 1: 1 hour 30 mins 3 tasks to complete. Total marks 45
Each task worth 15 marks Total marks 45 Calculator can be used throughout Checking using alternative methods remains paramount

9 The Tests Level 2 1 hour 30 mins 2 tasks to complete. Total marks 50
Each task worth 25 marks Total marks 50 Calculator can be used throughout Checking using alternative methods remains paramount

10 Benefits to the assessment arrangements
Essential Skills assessment robust and fair (DTTs were not perceived as such) No portfolios to supervise, mark and internally moderate No centre adjustment Every candidate test marked by CCEA so each candidate gets a fair outcome for their work Opportunities for teachers to become involved as Markers Ongoing support from CCEA

11 Support Specification Sample assessment materials
Past papers and mark schemes Chief Examiner reports Support/training events Centre visits

12 Administration Entry Codes Entry Periods Specification Entry Code
Application of Number L1 BAP1 Application of Number L2 BAP2 Examination Series Closing Date for Entries October 4th September January 21st November April 20th February August 3rd July

13 Contact details Specification Support Officer: Barbara Laffitte-Fitou ext 2292 Education Manager: Michael McAuley ext 2342

14 LEVEL 1

15 Overview No portfolio Test: scenario based
3 themes with subsequent questions Calculator should be used where appropriate Some 2-step calculations Narrow range than GCSE

16 The Skills Standards Representing (assessment weightings 30 to 40%)
Understand practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations, some of which are non-routine. Identify and obtain necessary information to tackle the problem. Select mathematics in an organised way to find solutions. Calculating (assessment weightings 30 to 40%) Apply mathematics in an organised way to find solutions to straightforward practical problems for different purposes. Use appropriate checking procedures at each stage. Interpreting (assessment weightings 30 to 40%) 6. Interpret and communicate solutions to practical problems, drawing simple conclusions and giving explanations.

17 The coverage and range Level 1
Understand and use whole numbers and understand negative numbers in practical contexts; Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers (whole and decimals) using a range of strategies; Understand and use equivalences between common fractions, decimals and percentages; Add and subtract decimals up to two decimal places; Solve simple problems involving ratio, where one number is a multiple of the other; Use simple formulae expressed in words for one- or two-step operations;

18 The coverage and range Level 1
Solve problems requiring calculation with common measures, including money, time, length, weight, capacity and temperature; Convert units of measure in the same system; Work out areas and perimeters in practical situations; Construct geometric diagrams, models and shapes; Extract and interpret information from tables, diagrams, charts and graphs; Collect and record discrete data and organise and represent information in different ways; Find mean and range; and Use data to assess the likelihood of an outcome.

19 Skills, Knowledge & Understanding
Exemplification c. Understand and use equivalences between common fractions, decimals and percentages calculating fractions, decimals and percentages e. Solve simple problems involving ratio, where one number is a multiple of the other unitary ratio eg 3 : 1 f. Use simple formula expressed in words for one - or two-step operations Formula expressed in words eg cost of trip per person = (total meal cost + total bus cost) divided by number of people

20 Skills, Knowledge & Understanding
Exemplification i. Work out areas and perimeters in practical situations perimeter and area of simple shapes triangle, square, rectangle simple volume cube, cuboid l. Collect and record discrete data and organise and represent information in different ways eg colour of cars in car park n. Use data to assess the likelihood of an outcome Using the language of chance eg impossible, unlikely, fifty-fifty, likely, certain

21 LEVEL 2

22 Overview No portfolio Test: scenario based
2 themes with subsequent questions Calculator should be used where appropriate 2-step calculations Narrow range than GCSE

23 The Skills Standards Representing (assessment weightings 30 to 40%)
1. Understanding routine and non-routine problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. 2. Identify the situation or problems and identify the mathematical methods used to solve them. 3. Choose from a range of mathematics to find solutions. Calculating (assessment weightings 30 to 40%) Apply a range of mathematics to find solutions. Use appropriate checking procedures and evaluate their effectiveness at each stage. Interpreting (assessment weightings 30 to 40%) 6. Interpret and communicate solutions to multi-stage practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations. 7. Draw conclusions and provide mathematical justifications.

24 Skills, Knowledge & Understanding
Exemplification a. Understand and use positive and negative numbers of any size in practical contexts b. Carry out calculations with numbers of any size in practical contexts, to a given number of decimal places c. Understand, use and calculate ratio and proportion, including problems involving scale

25 Skills, Knowledge & Understanding
Exemplification d. Understand and use equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages e. Understand and use simple formulae and equations involving one- or two-step operations including symbols f. Recognise and use 2D representations of 3D objects g. Find area, perimeter and volume of common shapes including circular surfaces, composite shapes and cylinders

26 Skills, Knowledge & Understanding
Exemplification h. Use, convert and calculate using metric, and where appropriate, imperial measures i. Collect and represent discrete and continuous data, (using ICT where appropriate) j. Use and interpret statistical measures, tables and diagrams, for discrete and continuous data, using ICT where appropriate including median and make comparisons k. Use statistical methods to investigate situations l. Use probability to assess the likelihood of an outcome

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