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Aboriginal Politics.

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1 Aboriginal Politics

2 Origins Aboriginal Status
1857 a law was passed to assimilate Natives into common British Folk. Was a failure as only one person joined the British at this time willingly.

3 Origins Aboriginal Status
Potlatch Law Last step to ruin indian tradition. As a rebellion natives threw the largest illegal potluck.

4 Origins Aboriginal Status
Enfranchisement encouraged natives to join British settlers. Special rewards were given to those who did join.

5 Idle No More Movement A movement that began in December of 2012 involving the First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities concerning the abuse of treaty rights by Stephen Harper’s government First gained attention when omnibus Bill C-45 was passed affecting the Navigable Waters Protection Act Uses tactics such as hunger strikes, flashmobs and civil disobedience to gain attention

6 Idle No More Movement Navigation Protection Act (Formerly Navigable Waters Protection Act) Requires construction projects such as pipelines and power lines to only need approval if only affecting bodies of water on a small list Environment Assessment Act Expedites the process of approval by removing many projects from needing approval Indian Act First Nation Communities can lease land if the majority of voters present (no matter how few) approve the decision As opposed to the previous system where the majority of eligible voters in the community were required for approval

7 Idle No More Movement Originally began as a meeting in Saskatoon to spread awareness, later branched out to social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter using the slogan “Idle No More” Hopes to achieve a nation-to-nation relationship with the Canadian Government

8 Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Founded on June 2nd Trying to repair relationships Canadian Government’s apology

9 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Canada
Hear from former students/relatives Release testimonies to general public Comfort victims Create record of what happened

10 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Canada
Hold events Winnipeg, Inuvik, Halifax, Saskatoon, Montreal, Edmonton, and Vancouver Was going to end in 2014

11 Ministry of Indian Affairs

12 Ministry of Indian Affairs

13 Ministry of Indian Affairs




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