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Collaborating to Create A More Competitive Workforce 2.

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2 Collaborating to Create A More Competitive Workforce 2

3 Collaborating to Create A More Competitive Workforce Larra Clark, Researcher, American Library Association Danis Kreimeier, Director, Napa City-County Public Library Bruce Wilson, Workforce Development Manager, County of Napa Kim Walesh, San Jose Assistant Director of Economic Development and Chief Strategy Officer Kary Bloom, Fund Development Specialist, San Jose Public Library 3

4 U.S. Public Libraries 101 There are 16,671 public library locations in the United States. Nationally, libraries host 28.9 million visits and circulate nearly 43.8 million items every week. Public library visits and circulations per capita increased almost 20% between FY1999 and FY2008. 62% of American adults have library cards. Nearly one-third of Americans age 14 or older – or roughly 77 million people – used a public library computer or wireless network in the last year. 4

5 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study 5

6 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study Percent of libraries providing jobs databases and other online job resources 6

7 Opportunity for All 67% of all library computer users received oneon-one help from library staff or volunteers. 40% of library computer users (roughly 30 million people) used library resources to help address career and employment needs in the past 12 months. Among these users, 76% reported they searched for jobs online. Among job seekers, 23% used library computers to receive job-related training. 3.7 million people got hired after using library computers to submit applications (16% of job seekers) 7

8 Workforce Napas Satellite Career Center: Napa City-County Library 8

9 Population: 134,650 Square Miles: 753 American Indian: 1% Black Persons: 2.1% Asian Persons: 6.2% Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin: 30.8% White Persons, non-Hispanic: 58.4% High school grads age 25+: 80.4% Bachelors degree or higher age 25+: 26.4% Napa Main Library Visits per day: 1,300 9

10 Napa City-County Library How do you know the community wants? ASK! Listen! Respond! 10

11 Library Service Response Be an Informed Citizen: Local, National, & World Affairs Early Literacy & Learning to Read & Write: Children, Teens & Adults Know Your Community: Community Resources & Services Succeed in School & Career Choices 11

12 But Whats a Library To Do? 12

13 Decision Tree NO YES MANY FEW 13

14 WIIFM Whats in it for me? – Location, location, location – Door count=customers – Technology – And most of all 14

15 – Friends 15

16 Background: WIB & One-Stop System A system of partners who share the goals of: 1) creating & maintaining a healthy, balanced economy, 2) contributing to the local tax base and 3) ensuring vitality and self-sufficiency of our local residents. Framework and Setting Role of the WIB The One-Stop System – A WIB Flagship Product 16

17 The Challenge... Develop an integrated workforce development system, which provides: customer driven services, at convenient locations, leading to work and economic self-sufficiency, with less staff, and fewer $$ 17

18 Why Librarys Are An Answer Market Penetration Brand Recognition Resource Rich The Customer 18

19 Challenges of Integration Threatening to agencies Limitation of rules/regulations of different programs Adjustment to differences in cultures Making changes to service design Learning partner agency services and rules Planning and logistics in center design Takes planning & strong leadership to do all of these 19

20 Meeting the Challenge Stay focused on the Customer – walk in their shoes Take advantage of each funding source for its highest and best use. Dont duplicate each other; build upon each others strengths. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 20

21 Looking Ahead Everything is on the table 21

22 Work2future, Work Wise: San José Reaches Beyond Library Walls 22

23 City of San José Population: 1,023,000 Square Miles: 178.2 Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin: 31.9% White persons, non-Hispanic: 31.8% Asian Persons: 30.6% Black/African American Persons: 2.9% Bachelors degree or higher age 25+: 35.2% High school grads age 25+: 18.6% Persons age 25+ without a high school diploma or equivalent: 18.8% San José Public Library Visits per day: Over 20,000 San José One-Stop Visits per day: 800-1,000 23

24 San José Office of Economic Development The Workforce Investment Board and One- Stop Centers Services for job seekers and employers Impact of changing economy on work2future 24

25 Collaborating in a Tough Economy The Library expands work2futures capacity: Resources for customers Technology access Locations across the city Outreach to potential customers 25

26 San José Public Library: Transforming Services for Changing Circumstances With expanded on-site services Through community engagement By virtual (24/7) enhancements 26

27 New Americans Project Integrating new immigrants into the workforce Unique needs of population Benefits of partnership 27

28 Moving entry level workers up the ladder On location at the worksite Supporting educational achievement Being nimble in uncertain times Creating a More Competitive Workforce 28

29 Q & A 29

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