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Academia Industry Council: Second Meeting

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1 Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration in Food Safety and Quality (FOODQA)
Academia Industry Council: Second Meeting Prof. Fahmi Abu Al-Rub, Project Coordinator-JUST Holiday Inn Dead Sea Nov. 23, 2017

2 Outline - What is FOODQA? The Project - Partners
- Expected results and Impacts - Objectives - Activities and Scheduling

3 Outline Project Title:
“Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration in Food Safety and Quality” Project Acronym: (FOODQA) Funding Agency: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) European Union Programme: Erasmus+ Duration: 15th October 2016 till 15 October 2019

4 Partners Name Country Jordan University of Science and Technology
The University of Jordan Mutah University Al- Balqa' Applied University

5 Name Country Jordan Company for Antibody Production Jordan The Jordan Food and Drug Administration Leipzig University of Applied Science Germany University of Teramo Italy

6 Name Country UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT (SVEUČILIŠTE U SPLITU) Croatia Jerash University Jordan Agricultural University of Athens Greece Paulo & Beatriz-consultores Associados, Lda Portugal Creative Thinking Development

7 Objectives Establishment of centres that strengthen the food safety procedure and help in preventing cases of foodborne diseases in the world. The FoodQA will work in synergism with the JFDA to improve the quality of food and food processing in the industry. Strengthening food business competitiveness of Jordanian products to access gulf and EU markets. Strengthening and enhancing the role of universities (academia) and industry in food sector.

8 Objectives To identify the local needs in food companies in order to better shape training courses and encourage close interactions of authorities with the concerned companies. To put together revised and new training courses for all stakeholders. The new training model will be disseminated and promoted through this project network and during related competitions after the end of the project.

9 Expected Results and Impacts
The 4 main target groups of FoodQA project are: Staff/Researchers: better comprehension of all industrial constraints Students/Trainees: stimulation of entrepreneurship spirit, foster innovation and improve entrepreneurial skills FoodQA project will help to better guide the students and trainees and increase their employability, capability to solve obstacles and better implement food quality systems

10 Expected Results and Impacts
The 4 main target groups of FoodQA project are: 3. Food companies (especially SMEs) and entrepreneurs: training staff on specific and up-to-date subjects 4. Policy and legislative makers, being informed through press releases and dissemination seminars, consulted through thematic meetings, participating in town meetings, drawing up memoranda of understanding, etc.

11 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 1 - Development of training materials (8) e-Books in e-forms (main topics: 1- Food safety hazards; 2 - Food safety management systems; 3 - Personnel Hygiene; 4 - Design and construction of food premises; 5 - Cleaning and disinfection; 6 - Pest control; 7 – Quality management ; 8 – Quality management tools) (5) videos (1 -Hand washing; 2 - Cleaning and disinfection; 3 - Pest control; 4 - Temperature control; 5 - Control of reception of raw materials) (8) Posters (1 - Food spoilage; 2 - Food preservation; 3 - Hazard analysis;4 - Temperature control; 5 - Pest control; 6 - Hand washing; 7 - Cleaning and disinfection; 8 – Control of reception of raw materials)

12 Activities and Scheduling:
Activity 2 - Development of training courses (8) in-room training courses (3) e-learning training

13 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 2 - Development of training courses: (8) in-room training courses: Food safety hazards (Microbiological hazards; Physical hazards; Chemical hazards; Food spoilage; Methods to prevent and control food safety hazards; food preservation) Food safety management systems (HACCP Principles; Hazards analysis; Critical control points; HACCP methodology; HACCP plans; Food safety verification; Food safety validation; Food Safety Management Systems – ISO 22000:2005; IFS (International Food Safety) – BRC (British Retail Consortium) ).

14 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 2 - Development of training courses: (8) in-room training courses: 3. Personnel Hygiene (good personnel hygiene practices; access and movement of personnel; Health and medical screening). 4. Design and construction of food premises (Principles of hygienic design of food premises; Premises requirements – materials, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, cleaning station, hand washing facilities, ventilation; Construction, maintenance and modifications of premises; refrigeration systems).

15 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 2 - Development of training courses: (8) in-room training courses: Cleaning and disinfection (Importance of cleaning and disinfection in the food industry) Pest control (Reasons for pest control; Pest control strategies – Preventive measures; Rodents control; Insect control; Bird control; Detection and monitoring of pests)

16 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 2 - Development of training courses: (8) in-room training courses: Quality management systems (Standard for quality management systems – ISO 9001:2008: Management responsibility, Resources management, Product realization, Measurement, Analysis and Improvement) Quality management tools (Flowcharts, Cause-effect diagrams; Pareto diagram, Control charts; Value analysis; FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis; Quality costs; Brainstorming; Benchmarking; Balanced scorecard)

17 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 2 - Development of training courses B. (3) e-learning training courses: Food safety management systems – ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP Principles; Hazards analysis; Critical control points; HACCP methodology; HACCP plans; Food safety verification; Food safety validation; ISO 22000:2005 requirements) Quality management systems – ISO 9001:2008 (Management responsibility, Resources management, Product realization, Measurement, Analysis and Improvement) Personnel hygiene (good personnel hygiene practices; access and movement of personnel; Health and medical screening)

18 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 3 – Establishment of FoodQA centres and Training of academia and industry FoodQA centres will be established in northern, middle, and southern universities. The establishment of these centres will be accomplished after the first year of starting the project.

19 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 4 – Pilots of implementation of food safety and quality management systems: The purpose of this activity is to provide in-job training to the staff of the FoodQA Centres in order to let them acquire the competences and experience in the implementation of food safety and quality management systems (ISO 9001:2008; 2 - Food Safety Management System – ISO 22000:2005; 3 – BRC Global Standard – Food (Issue 5); IFS – International Food Standard (Issue 5) and Global Gap)

20 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 4 – Pilots of implementation of food safety and quality management systems: (8) companies will be used as pilots. Each one of the standards will be implemented at least in one company. The implementation process is expected to have in average 1 year

21 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 5 – Web-portal development: The development of the web-portal will have the objective of gathering and organising multiple information and sources of information in the area of food quality and food safety, to make it available in a structured way to the industry and the food chain in general: It is intended that this web-portal becomes an instrument of communication between Academia and Industry and a tool that becomes regularly used by the industry and the other players of the food chain as source of relevant information for the development of their activities and knowledge upgrade

22 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 5 – Web-portal development: The type of information that is intended to be gathered will include: Different types of links, such as: link to RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) and TRACES; links to Codex Alimentarius; Links to national and European Food Safety Agencies; links to EU Legislation, Links to scientific and technical publishers. Technical documents related to food safety per topic (e.g. labelling, additives, materials in contacts with foods, GMO’s, contaminants) Technical documents related to food quality and quality management systems.

23 Activities and Scheduling
Activity 6 – Establishment of the Academia-Industry Council: This Council will include representatives both from Academia and Industry. The representative from the Academia will be nominated by the universities among the professors of the faculties more directly related with the activities of the FoodQA Centres. As representative of the Industry it will be invited representatives from the most important food associations and companies in the country. This Council will have a counselling role to FoodQA Centres and to the Project Management Board during the duration of the project. It is expected that the Academia-Industry Council would meet twice a year.

24 Discussion (Questions and Concerns)

25 Thanks

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