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The Neolithic Revolution

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1 The Neolithic Revolution
(7,000-3,000 BCE)

2 Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age)
2,000,000 B.C.E. - 8,000 B.C.E. Lifestyle Nomadic; in groups of up to 50; tribal society; hunters and gatherers Economy There was no concept of private property, relatively egalitarian society Art Cave paintings, figurines Technology Fire; Rough stone tools Food Hunted and gathered for food; people followed animal herds that they hunted and moved locations when wild plants in other areas were ripe B.C.E. =Before Common Era. = Before Christ C.E. = Common Era = AD (Anno Domini, or “in the year of the Lord)

3 Neolithic Revolution (7,000-3,000 BCE)
The Neolithic Revolution was a turning point in history that changed the way Paleolithic people lived their lives. People shifted from hunting and gathering for food to agriculture. Instead of living as nomads, people settled down in permanent settlements. The Neolithic Revolution led to the first civilizations.


5 The Great Ice Age ended around 10-12,000 yrs ago  warmer climates  population increased quickly.
Around 10, 000 years ago, humans began to produce their own food--domestication of plants and animals. the “Big Five”:sheep, goats, pigs, cows and horses farmers systematically manipulate their environment to remove those species they do not want and creating conditions that allow the species they favor to flourish.

6 Important to acknowledge that many areas did NOT adopt agriculture and remained foragers or pastoralists. Think about this quote: “Humans did not just domesticate other species; they also domesticated themselves.” (Cf. codependency)

7 The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
Hunter gatherer agriculturalist Population Social relations Gender relations war Food/nutrition

8 The Neolithic Revolution happened at different times in different areas of the world.

9 The Neolithic Revolution happened at different times in different areas of the world.
The Middle East 8000 BCE Barley and wheat China 7000 BCE Millet Mexico 6000 BCE Squash, corn and beans Andes 1000 BCE Potatoes and quinoa

10 cultural diffusion : the process of exchanging goods and ideas

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