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Day 5: September 17, 2010 Restoration

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1 Day 5: September 17, 2010 Restoration
ESE370: Circuit-Level Modeling, Design, and Optimization for Digital Systems Day 5: September 17, 2010 Restoration Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

2 Today How do we make sure logic is robust
Can assemble into any (feed forward) graph Can tolerate loss and noise ….while maintaining digital abstraction Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

3 Outline Two problems Cascade failure Restoration Transfer Curves
Noise Margins Non-linear Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

4 Wire Crossings and Shorts
Wires connected/shorted Wires not connected Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

5 Two Problems Output not go to rail Signals may be perturbed by noise
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

6 Output not go to Rail CMOS, capacitive load CMOS, resistive load?
Mostly doesn’t have problem CMOS, resistive load? Igd≠0 ? How close to rail do I need to get? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

7 Wire Resistance Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

8 Wire Resistance Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

9 Wire Resistance Sanity check Wire twice as long = resistors in series
Wire twice as wide = resistors in parallel Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

10 Wire Resistance 1000 mm long wire? 1 cm long wire? Length of die side?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

11 Die Sizes Processor Die Size Transistor Count Process
Core 2 Extreme X mm² 291 Mio. 65 nm Core 2 Duo E mm² 291 Mio. 65 nm Core 2 Duo E mm² 291 Mio. 65 nm Core 2 Duo E mm² 167 Mio. 65 nm Core 2 Duo E mm² 167 Mio. 65 nm Pentium D mm² 376 Mio. 65 nm Athlon 64 FX mm² 227 Mio. 90 nm Athlon mm² 154 Mio. 90 nm Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

12 Implications What does the circuit really look like for an inverter in the middle of the chip? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

13 Implications What does the circuit really look like for an inverter in the middle of the chip? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

14 IR-Drop Since interconnect is resistive and gates pull current off the supply interconnect The Vdd seen by a gate is lower than the supply Voltage by Vdrop=Isupply x Rdistribute Two gates in different locations See different Rdistribute Therefore, see different Vdrop Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

15 Output not go to Rail CMOS, capacitive load CMOS, resistive load
Mostly doesn’t have problem CMOS, resistive load Due to IR drop, “rails” for two communicating gates may not match Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

16 Two Problems Output not go to rail Signals may be perturbed by noise
Is this tolerable? Signals may be perturbed by noise Voltage seen at input to a gate may not lower/higher than input voltage Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

17 Noise Sources? What did we see in lab when zoomed in on signal transition? Signal coupling Crosstalk Leakage Ionizing particles IR-drop in signal wiring Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

18 Two Problems Output not go to rail Signals may be perturbed by noise
Is this tolerable? Signals may be perturbed by noise Voltage seen at input to a gate may not lower/higher than input voltage What happens to degraded signals? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

19 Preclass All 1’s  logical output? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

20 Preclass 1.0 inputs, gate: o=1-AB  output voltage?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

21 Preclass 0.95 inputs, gate: o=1-AB  output voltage?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

22 Degradation Cannot have signal degrade across gates
Want to be able to cascade arbitrary set of gates Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

23 Gate Creed Gates should leave the signal “better” than they found it
“better”  closer to the rails Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

24 Restoration Discipline
Define legal inputs Gate works if Vin “close enough” to the rail Restoration Gate produces Vout “closer to rail” Tolerates some drop between out and in Call this our “Noise Margin” Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

25 Noise Margin Voh – output high Vol – output low Vih – input high
Vil – input low NMh = Voh-Vih NMl = Vol-Vil One mechanism, addresses numerous noise sources. Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

26 Restoration Discipline
Define legal inputs Gate works if Vin “close enough” to the rail Vin > Vih or Vin < Vil Restoration Gate produces Vout “closer to rail” Vout < Vol or Vout > Voh Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

27 Restoring Transfer Function
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

28 Restoring Transfer Function
For multi-input functions, hold non-controlling inputs at Vil, Vih respectively. (relate preclass exercise) Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

29 Ideal Transfer Function
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

30 Linear Transfer Function?
O=Vdd-A Noise Margin? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

31 Non-linearity Need non-linearity in transfer function
Could not have built restoring gates with R, L, C circuit Linear elements Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

32 Transistor Non-Linearity
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

33 All Gates If hope to assemble design from collection of gates,
Voltage levels must be consistent and supported across all gates Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

34 Admin HW2 is out Monday in Ketterer Wednesday back here Lab combo
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

35 Big Idea Need robust logic Restoration and noise margins
Can assemble into any (feed forward) graph Can tolerate loss and noise ….while maintaining digital abstraction Restoration and noise margins Every gate makes signal “better” Design level of noise tolerance Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

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