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Adults with marketplace plans or Medicaid express the least confidence in being able to keep their coverage in the future. You said you currently have.

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Presentation on theme: "Adults with marketplace plans or Medicaid express the least confidence in being able to keep their coverage in the future. You said you currently have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adults with marketplace plans or Medicaid express the least confidence in being able to keep their coverage in the future. You said you currently have health insurance. How confident are you that you will be able to keep this health care coverage in the future? Percent of insured adults ages 19–64 who were not too or not at all confident 15 9 27 36 22 10 Notes: Segments may not sum to indicated total because of rounding. FPL refers to federal poverty level; 250% FPL is about $31,150 for an individual and $61,500 for a family of four. Data: The Commonwealth Fund Affordable Care Act Tracking Survey, Nov.–Dec

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