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A system and service that makes tree management easy

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1 A system and service that makes tree management easy

2 What does ArborPlan manage?
The ArborPlan tree system and management service helps clients better manage their treescape in the areas of: Hazard and risk - “duty of care”. Forward budget visibility. Ongoing health. Life expectancy. Works action requirements. Landscape value and significance. History of all actions and expenditure. Future planning - site master plans. Treescape mapping. Environmental reporting.

3 What is the ArborPlan managed service?
The ArborPlan system is unique in that it is supplied as a managed service including: Arboricultural assessment of tree inventory. Tree inventory tagging and GPS mapping. Dynamic hazard and risk assessment. Easy interactive mapping. Live or periodic tree data updates. Dynamic management of changes. Scheduled reassessment of trees. Simple and regular inventory reports. Easy interface for management and workers. No tree expertise required from client. Little IT skill and no capital purchases. Full support from experts in the tree industry.

4 Step 1: Selecting trees for management
The following slides provide an overview to the ten steps associated with the ArborPlan Managed Service. The first step is to interact with you to: Establish the site(s) you wish to manage with ArborPlan. Consider if whole of site or selective tree management is required. Agree on the system elements and service you require. Review inclusions and quote options. Sign an agreement for your ArborPlan.

5 Step 2 : Site and tree mapping
ArborPlan site maps are used for: Tree location via alpha numeric grid. GPS coordinates are also embedded. Setting up your site image in this manner ensures your ArborPlan tree inventory is correctly positioned and always easy to refer to remotely or on-site, ensuring the right trees and works are being actioned.

6 Step 3: Tree tagging and assessment
Each tree is barcode tagged for ID; when first swiped it initiates the arboricultural assessment. The arboricultural assessment is performed by certified consulting arborists using an ArborPlan field collection device. Over 30 fields of assessment data are collected on each tree including species, age, condition, life expectancy, defects, action requirements, cost estimate and hazard assessment. The barcode tag ID number can be used without a reader for easy tree identification. Each tree is also GPS positioned using the field collection device and mapping program.

7 Step 4 : Hazard and risk assessment
OH&S legislation requires all property owners and managers to assess and manage all hazards on-site that could effect workers, patrons or visitors. Trees are significant hazards with many court cases nationally resulting in multi- million dollar settlement sums for those effected by tree failures. The final step of each ArborPlan tree assessment is a detailed examination of the hazards and risks present. Each tree is examined and assessed for: Probability of limb or whole tree failure. Consequence if that failure occurred.

8 Step 4 : Hazard and risk assessment
These hazard and risk assessments drive the main action items within your ArborPlan. Every commercial treescape is currently having budgets allocated to it. ArborPlan assists in targeting your resources to the areas of greatest need and provides proof of action, thereby helping to reduce the likelihood of litigation.

9 Step 4 : Hazard and risk assessment
After remedial works have been performed on any tree, ArborPlan automatically moves the risk assessment to the arborist’s nominated “Risk After” assessment position. This review after “Controls Measures” are put in place (tree work) is also a requirement of OH&S legislation. The dynamic management of “Risk Before” and “Risk After” demonstrates the living nature of ArborPlan. Many clients have seen great benefit in reviewing their risk graphs over time and see huge management value when they witness the evidence of declining tree risk over time.

10 Step 5: Configure your database
Following assessment your data is uploaded to your ArborPlan interactive mapping and reporting database. The data is checked and verified by the assessing arborist. Plus, as part of our service your ArborPlan tree data is fully managed. So you don’t have to have arboricultural or IT resources on staff devoted to treescape management because… …we manage it all for you.

11 Step 6 : ArborPlan management reports
The managed service of ArborPlan provides you with a suite of quarterly reports to make managing trees easier. These reports include items such as: Tree Inventory - The asset register of your trees with summaries of tree data. Works & Budgets - To manage quotations, works actions and budget forecasts. Risk - Reports and charts providing whole of site and individual tree risk information. Age and life expectancy reports and charts for vegetation management plans. Environmental graphs with carbon store data to assist in environmental reporting. Plus custom reports for items such as tree histories, disease management, etc., etc.

12 Step 7 : ArborPlan interactive mapping
ArborPlan’s easy map interface is designed for you to browse and examine your treescape. ArborPlan offers secure, interactive mapping and live tree reporting via our software and ArborPlan’s server.

13 Step 7 : ArborPlan interactive mapping
Trees can be found and examined by scroll and browsing, and zooming in and out of the image. Or find/search criteria. The coloured triangular icons represent current risk status.

14 Step 7 : ArborPlan interactive mapping
Individual trees can be examined in detail by clicking on the triangular icons. A scrollable pop-up appears with full tree assessment data and current status complete with photos, comments or other linked files available to the user.

15 Step 7 : ArborPlan interactive mapping
This interactive method is available on your PC. Or via web enabled compatible phones or devices. Hand held devices show summaries and detailed assessments at the tree, and if equipped with GPS, can actually track you to the tree. This interaction is ideal for managers and staff as well as maintenance contractors.

16 Step 8: ArborPlan client hand-over
Following compilation of your system, a hand-over is performed with your staff covering: An overview of the ArborPlan service, system and processes. A review of your ArborPlan reports and folder contents discussing the status of the treescape and particular issues at hand-over. Demonstration on how to use the system including the interactive mapping. Demonstration on interacting with the system and ArborSafe to keep your ArborPlan as living and dynamic as your treescape itself.

17 Step 9 : Interacting with your ArborPlan
ArborPlan interactive system can be used by your staff and suppliers to examine or report on: Works required, actions or progress. Expenditure and actions updating work history. Staff or suppliers used. Interactive comments for use by all parties in office or at the tree. All vetted by ArborSafe to ensure original assessment integrity. You can also send us incident forms, reports, works invoices or we can proactively contact your suppliers to update your tree actions and history.

18 Step 10: Updates for a living system
As part of the ArborPlan service we update the works and actions history quarterly based on the data you provide. We can process works and actions in the ArborPlan database and the interactive mapping files are updated. An updated set of reports are provided to you including a history of completed works report. To ensure nothing is missed we also perform site walk-arounds at agreed intervals to identify and report on any significant changes to the trees and revalidate your database.

19 Reasons to consider ArborPlan
ArborPlan’s managed service is the easiest way to manage trees. A variety of interface options to suit your needs. Little or no human resource requirements from your staff. No IT or arboricultural skills needed by your staff. No capital purchase for hardware or software to manage. Ability to meet your “Duty of Care” without specific expertise. Delivery of on-going assessments and control requirements for tree hazards and risks as required under the law. Tree costs, budgets and actions are authored and clear. Environmental performance reporting can now include trees. A move to cheaper proactive tree works rather than expensive reactive actions. Saves money when compared to standard static “window in time” arboricultural reporting. A dynamic living system for living assets providing a master plan.

20 Thank you for your time. Please call us on 1300 ARBOR1 ( ) or for any further information or a quote.

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