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Meet the teacher Welcome to Year 2.

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1 Meet the teacher Welcome to Year 2

2 Topic outline for this year will be:
Autumn – Spain & Holidays in the Past Spring – Could a tiger live in the North Pole & Great Fire of London Summer – Victorian Times & Whole School Topic First trip is Wednesday 26th September to West Cheshire College

3 PE will usually be on : Tuesday with Mr. Williams and Thursday with Mrs Grimster Your child will need the following items named: White t-shirt, black shorts (and jogging bottoms), trainers (for outside PE), pumps (for indoor PE). Earrings will be taped over. Plans can change due to other arrangements in school so please have PE kits in each day. We will send them home if they become dirty, or they will come home at the end of the half term.

4 Reading in year2 Each child is expected to ‘Strive for five’ – this means reading at least 5 times a week at home. Reading records are provided for recording these and staff will also record when your child is heard in school. Our class will have rewards for those who stay on top of their reading – please help your child by completing the reading record. Every 20 reads will result in a certificate

5 In our class it is also important …..
Work together as a team Listen and help each other Be kind and support each other Persevere Have fun!

6 Secrets to Success:

7 This is a whole school theme that will umbrella all our learning this year. It is supportive of our PSHEC curriculum and the Equalities Act. We will break the theme into three topics Autumn – Families Spring – Equality Summer – Diversity and Refugees Each term, children will be introduced to the theme by a book in class. They will produce work relating to this and the topics raised will be discussed throughout the term in PSHE lessons and worship.

8 Reward system: Every day –assuming it’s been a positive one – a child should earn a proud cloud on their card. A completed card comes home and this means they can come in on the next Friday in their own clothes (not on photograph/visit/special Fridays)! Each week we will pick two of our children to receive an award for a special achievement that week (one linked to our ‘secrets to success’ and one to our Christian Values).

9 Time off school: In case of illness: phone school office before 9.30am
Requested time off school: please to explain why it is exceptional. A leaflet explaining fixed penalty notices has been sent out with the first newsletter of the school year. Late arrivals and regular time off school: Mrs Trousdale, Learning Mentor, will be in touch to offer support.

10 Home Learning: Every week – spellings (given out on Wednesday and tested on a Monday) Every week – literacy/numeracy alternating (year 6 will get both, year 5 may get both), given out on Wednesday, handed in by Monday) Termly – there is a project for each class which will be put in homework books each half term. This is to be handed in at the end of the half term. Speak to your child’s teacher if homework isn’t arriving at home. The only exception to this is during times of plays/residentials.

11 We need your support ~ thank you.
PTA: Involving yourself with the PTA is important 12th September – Cheese and Wine – 6pm in school – all are welcome. We need your support ~ thank you.

12 Any information or support tools will always be passed to you.
Year 2 Work Please don’t worry! Please find pack attached that show examples and support tools for the standard we are trying to achieve for the children. Any information or support tools will always be passed to you. If a child needs extra support this will be identified and school will work hard to meet their needs.

13 Done in small groups over a number of days.
SAT’s These will take place in May so please ensure holidays are not booked in this time or inform the class teacher in advance. Done in small groups over a number of days.

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