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Physics: It’s all around you…

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Presentation on theme: "Physics: It’s all around you…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics: It’s all around you…
What is Physics?

2 What is Physics? Deals with:

3 What is Physics? Physics is the science concerned with the fundamental laws of the universe. Deals with: Matter Energy Space Time And all their interactions

4 What is Motion? Motion deals with a continuous change in the position of a body relative to a reference point, as measured by a particular observer in a particular frame of reference Why should we study motion?

5 Types of Motion Uniform Motion:
Non-uniform Motion (Accelerated Motion):

6 Types of Motion Uniform Motion: motion at constant velocity, with no change in speed or direction Non-uniform Motion (Accelerated Motion): motion with changing speed, or direction, or both; motion in which the velocity is changing.

7 Quantities Scalar: Vector: Reference Point

8 Quantities Scalar: A physical quantity that has magnitude (size), and unit, but not direction (e.g., distance, time, speed) Vector: A physical quantity that has magnitude (size), unit, and direction (e.g.,position, displacement, velocity, acceleration) Reference Point The point from which position is measured; usually the origin or starting point.

9 Motion Variables Variable Symbol Unit Meaning Example Scalar/ Vector Distance Position Displacement Change in Time m, km The total length of a journey along every twist and turn of the path Yummy House is 25 m from the school d Scalar An object’s location as seen by an observer from a particular view-point (reference point) The hospital is 3 km [NE] of Riverdale C. I. m ,km [N,E,S,W] Vector The change in position of an object The car moved 3 km [N] d1: initial position d2: final position m ,km [N,E,S,W] Vector s, hr It took the car 4 seconds to stop The duration of an event Scalar

10 Motion Variables (cont.)
Symbol Unit Meaning Example Scalar/ Vector Speed Velocity Instantaneous Acceleration m/s, km/h I was running at 7 m/s v Scalar How fast something is moving. m/s , km/h [N,E,S,W] How fast an object’s position is changing, that is the rate of change of position. I was driving 110 km/h [W] on the Gardiner Vector m/s , km/h [N,E,S,W] The velocity of an object at a specific moment At 5 pm the train was travelling 90 km/h [E] Vector m/s2 , km/h/s [N,E,S,W] How much an object’s velocity changes in a certain time; rate of change of velocity F1 cars can accelerate at a rate of 10 m/s2 Vector

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