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Miss. Ray and Miss. Antoniolli

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1 Miss. Ray and Miss. Antoniolli
Bullying Miss. Ray and Miss. Antoniolli

2 Activity...

3 What is Bullying? The deliberate action by one person to intimidate another with words, actions or behaviours Bullying is found whenever there are groups of people. This is why bullying is such a large aspect of the school yards Can be based on: Culture Body size Ability/Disability Physical Appearance Gender Age Religion

4 Different forms of bullying
Physical bullying Hitting, tripping, kicking, pinching Verbal bullying Being called names, teased, put down Psychological bullying Being threatened, stalked, gestures Social bullying Being ignored, spreading rumours, excluding someone Cyber bullying Sending cruel or threatening s or text messages

5 Bullying in Today’s Society
Between 1 in 5 and 1 in 7 students report being bullied once a week or more Around 62% of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder report being bullied once a week or more Bullying most often occurs in the last years of primary and the first couple of years at secondary school Males typically report being bullied more then females Children with positive relationships with their parents are less likely to bully Around 85% of bullying incidents happen within peer groups Generally verbal bullying such as name calling is the most common form of bullying Physical bullying is the least common and declines with age Students are more likely to experience bullying from individuals than groups Bullying often occurs when there is little or no supervision around Bullying is the 4th most common reason young people seek help from children’s help services

6 Impacts of bullying Children who are bullied are more likely to have higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression and illness People who bully are more likely to drop out of school, use drugs and alcohol and engage in criminal behaviour Young people who bully have a one in four chance of having a criminal record by the age of 30

7 Who do bullies choose? Anyone who’s different (weight, looks, clothing, interests) Children with disabilities Small or young children Those who react quickly Kids who are not sporty or are poor performers at school Anyone who is shy or anxious

8 Signs of bullying Tries to avoid school/run away from school
Gets tearful at school, especially in break time Standard of work decreases Gets angry when asked about their day or experiences Unexplained injuries Doesn’t eat at lunch due to anxiousness Low self confidence

9 Cyber Bullying Perpetrators use electronic means, such as the internet or mobile phones They aggressively and intentionally harm someone Involves repeated behaviour and a power imbalance Reasonable new issue, so research is still limited Most common age for this form of bullying is late primary, early high school It has been suggested that cyber bullying makes the bully feel disconnected to their actions

10 Government and School Strategies
Bullying No Way – Australian Government Initiative Kids Help Line – Australian Government Initiative National Safe Schools Framework is being revised Teachers have several resources and courses funded by the Federal and State Governments

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