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Social Psychology Introduction to Psych 20

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1 Social Psychology Introduction to Psych 20
Pick up “What Do Social Psychologists Actually Do?”

2 Psychology - Definition
The study of human thought and behaviour. Behaviour Any action we can observe and record Thought Internal subjective experience we can infer from behaviour.

3 Social Psychology The study of how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.

4 Psychology as a Science
Psychology falls under the category of Social Sciences (along with archeology, anthropology, history, etc.) Psychology is less a set of findings than a scientific way of asking and answering questions.

5 Psychology’s Big Issues
Stability versus Change Do we change as we get older? Rationality versus Irrationality How logical/efficient or not are our thoughts? Nature versus nurture How do we become who we are? Genes or experiences?

6 Old Guys Who Are Super Important to Psychology and Its Roots
Plato Really really really old Greek dude that assumed character and intelligence are inherited Aristotle Really really old also Greek brainiac who believed that all knowledge comes from sensory experiences John Locke Revived the Greek beliefs in the 1600s. Also believed most knowledge came from the senses. Renee Descarte Believed that some ideas re innate. Charles Darwin Ol’ Charlie believed in evolution of species and natural selection (if you can’t cut it, your genes will die out which makes the species stronger).

7 Task 1 Read “What Does a Social Psychologist Actually Do?”
Pick out the top five most important things you read, and include them in your notes for your reference later.

8 Major Subfields of Psychology
Basic research (adds to psychology’s knowledge base) Applied research (study of practical problems) Clinical Psychology (study, assessment, and treatment of troubled people) Psychiatry (medical treatment of psychological disorders)

9 Task 2 Brainstorm: how can social psychology positively contribute to society. Think of five ways. TPS: Share with your neighbour. Pick your top three. TPS Again: Share with a neighbouring group. Pick your top five. Write them on a sticky note (one per). Post on the board.

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