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Ethics in Human Resource Management

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics in Human Resource Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics in Human Resource Management
PGDM-Session 8

2 Ethical Issues in HRM Recruitment Remuneration
Training and Development Retrenchment

3 Ethics in Recruitment Employee Referrals
Recruitment is process of searching prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in an organization Employee Referrals Types of Recruitment Internal External

4 Ethical issues in Recruitment
Discrimination occurs when a company uses irrelevant criteria for hiring a candidate Basis of Discrimination Over qualification Ageism Sex Religion handicap

5 Equality of opportunity in Hiring
It is concerned with screening every applicant by same criteria A business must ensure that rules apply equally to all the prospects under consideration No applicant is rejected for reasons other than laid down by rules for hiring When the principle of hiring is not followed a wrong candidate may be hired

6 Principles of Ethical Remuneration
Remuneration is not driven by employee’s need Depends solely on results Employees who work hard to perform a task need not be rewarded more than those who do it effortlessly Seniority and loyalty should be rewarded only when they result in contributions to long term owner value

7 Ethics in Retrenchment
Firing: Employers at time include an “at-will” clause in employment contract that enable them to fire their employees at will It is ethical when it is related to a worker’s poor performance , acts of sabotage, dishonesty or misuse of authority Lay offs: discharge of unneeded workers

8 Health and safety To ensure worker is not being unfairly manipulated into accepting a risk unknowingly Due compensation should be given Ensured against unknown hazards

9 Thank You

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