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TED-ED: Where did Earth’s water come from?

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1 TED-ED: Where did Earth’s water come from?
© K. Coder 2015

2 1. What happens after precipitation falls on land?
1) Infiltration: the downward movement of water through the soil 2) Runoff: excess water that cannot infiltrate the ground © K. Coder 2015

3 2. Where does the water go when it moves underground?
After infiltrating the soil, groundwater occupies distinct zones. 1) Zone of aeration: spaces between rocks filled with air Zone of aeration © K. Coder 2015 Solid rock in Earth’s crust the water cannot pass through Impermeable Bedrock

4 2. Where does the water go when it moves underground?
2) Zone of saturation: spaces between rocks filled with water Saturated = filled with water Unsaturated = not filled with water Zone of aeration Zone of saturation © K. Coder 2015 Solid rock in Earth’s crust the water cannot pass through Confining area Impermeable Bedrock

5 2. Where does the water go when it moves underground?
3) Water table: the boundary between the two zones. The water table moves up and down depending upon the amount of ground water. Zone of aeration Water table Zone of saturation © K. Coder 2015 Solid rock in Earth’s crust the water cannot pass through Impermeable Bedrock

6 3. How do conditions cause the water table to change?
Diagram Average Water Table Height Prolonged Precipitation Prolonged Dry Conditions Height of Water Table Distance from Water Table to Land Surface Average height of water table Increased height of water table Decreased height of water table Distance would decrease (water table gets closer to land) Distance would increase (water table gets farther from land) Average distance © K. Coder 2015

7 Checkpoint: Water Cycle
1) Identify the processes A, B, C, D, E and F & the feature labeled X. A B C D E F X Evaporation Condensation Transpiration Precipitation Runoff Infiltration Water table © K. Coder 2015

8 4. How much water can soil hold?
Porosity: the amount of space between sediments Porosity depends upon shape, packing, & sorting of soil particles. © K. Coder 2015

9 5. What are the three factors that determine porosity?
1) Shape Rounded particles have more porosity than particles with angular shapes. 2) Packing Loosely packed particles have more porosity than closely packed particles. 3) Sorting Well-sorted particles have more porosity than unsorted particles. © K. Coder 2015

10 6. How does size affect porosity if shape, packing, and sorting are uniform?
Size DOES NOT affect porosity because it does not change the amount of empty space between particles! These all have the same porosity because they have the same shape, packing, and sorting! © K. Coder 2015

11 Permeability Animation
Change the precipitation to show how the water level will move up and down. © K. Coder 2015

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