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Plankton Classification VIDI: Sign Recognition HANDWRITING RECOGNITION

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1 Plankton Classification VIDI: Sign Recognition HANDWRITING RECOGNITION
Computer Vision Laboratory The Computer Vision Laboratory was established in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts in Since its inception, the lab has put an emphasis on developing vision systems that are capable of functioning flexibly and robustly in complex changing environments. A unifying theme within the laboratory has been the investigation of the scientific principles underlying the construction of integrated vision systems and the application of vision to problems of real-world importance. Current applications in the lab include panoramic vision for mobile robots, distributed sensor networks for tracking of moving objects, video mosaicing and 3D reconstruction for environmental monitoring, visual learning and classification, face recognition, medical image analysis, classification of plankton, and aids for the visually impaired. Plankton Classification AERIAL IMAGING VIDI: Sign Recognition NSF – Joint with Machine Learning lab and Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences. ROBOTS NSF-- Joint with Duke Univ. Environmental modelling using aerial imaging and computer vision NSF -- Visual Aid for the Blind Detect and Read Signs HANDWRITING RECOGNITION DSN: DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS Learning digits from 1 example Joint with Robotics perception and control MEDICAL IMAGING Object Tracking, Robotics & Virtual Worlds

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