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Please have your draft out for check off

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1 Please have your draft out for check off
Take a minute to review your draft. Which do you think is the strongest paragraph? Which is the weakest? Label them 1 being strongest, through 5 as weakest. Then consider, what kind of feedback you want today to improve your paragraphs. Be specific; Don’t say you need more evidence, but that your third paragraph on Dave’s maturity needs evidence.

2 English 12 – November 2 Today: Essay reminders Peer edit
Final draft due to 11:59pm tuesday Essay reminders NO FIRST PERSON Do not say: “I believe that Connie demonstrated maturity by….” Say: “Connie demonstrated maturity by…” Quotes or specific details are required MLA citations (Author name pg #) Ideally you will have 2 quotes or details per paragraph Look at the rubric Have you included all the necessary information?

3 For peer editing Hand one copy to your editor and keep one for yourself. Explain to your editor what kind of feedback you want Read your essay aloud to your editor (I promise, it makes a difference) Editors make notes as the author reads. Go over the essay together, marking both copies as you talk. Switch to the 2nd essay and repeat

4 Works Cited Leder, Mimi, dir. Pay It Forward. Warner Brothers, Film. Oates, Joyce Carroll. “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Gwynn, R. S., ed. Fiction: a Pocket Anthology. 7th ed. New York: Longman, 2009. Wricht, Richard. “The Man Who Was Almost A Man.” Gwynn, R. S., ed. Fiction: a Pocket Anthology. 7thth ed. New York: Longman, 2009. A song: Songwriter, W. W. (Date of copyright). Title of song [Recorded by artist if different from song writer]. On Title of album [Medium of recording]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different from copyright date). Example: Taupin, B. (1975). Someone saved my life tonight [Recorded by Elton John]. On Captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy [CD]. London: Big Pig Music Limited.

5 Essay due: Your paper should be a minimum of two pages MLA format
12 point Times New Roman font double spaced 1 inch margins, In text citations works cited.

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