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Recurrence-free survival

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1 Recurrence-free survival
cor P value (K-M) P-value (Cx) RNF44 -1 0.236 0.385 HOXB8 0.0316 0.0447 TBX1 0.036 0.18 BAD 1 0.0984 0.142 ADRBK1 0.0847 0.286 OSR1 0.0117 0.34 MPDU1 0.0321 0.253 cor P value (K-M) P-value (Cx) RNF44 -1 0.0435 0.0746 HOXB8 0.01 0.0197 TBX1 0.0946 0.289 BAD 1 0.0222 0.128 ADRBK1 0.112 0.274 OSR1 0.0533 0.377 MPDU1 0.0357 0.328 Overall survival Recurrence-free survival cor 1: survival improved with higher expression cor -1: survival improved with lower expression Supplementary Table 1 The prognostic impact of nine potential target genes was analyzed using the data from 242 HCC cases of a previous report (Roessler S. et al. Gastroenterology 2012;142:957–966).

2 miR-718 high (n=11) miR-718 low (n=48) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 miR-718 low (n=48) miR-718 high (n=11) Years after transplantation Recurrence-free survival (%) Supplementary Figure 1 Recurrence-free survival curves of patients with high (n=11) and low miR-718 expression (n=48) in exosomes from serum. No patients with high miR-718 expression had recurrent disease, but six of 48 patients with low miR-718 expression had recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation (p=0.13, log-rank test).

3 miR-718 high and/or <3cm (n=44)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 miR-718 high and/or <3cm (n=44) miR-718 low and ≥3cm (n=15) Recurrece-free survival (%) 1 3 5 7 9 Years after transplantation Supplementary Figure 2 Recurrence-free survival curves of patients with miR-718 high and tumor diameter <3cm (n=) and miR-718 low and tumor diameter ≥3cm (n=). (p=0.002, log-rank test).

4 Recurrence-free survival
b Low HOXB8 Low HOXB8 High HOXB8 High HOXB8 p=0.0316 p=0.01 Overall survival Recurrence-free survival Supplementary Figure 3 The overall (a) and recurrence-free (b) survival curves of 242 HCC cases with high and low HOXB8 expression, according to the data of a previous report (Roessler S. et al. Gastroenterology 2012;142:957–966).

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