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Wednesday 5th September 2018

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1 Wednesday 5th September 2018
S5 Information Evening Welcome Wednesday 5th September 2018

2 Programme Expectations Course arrangements Support arrangements

3 Session SQA Results Well done!

4 Education Scotland - Inspection
“The extremely positive learning environment. Strong relationships and high expectations across the school are resulting in highly motivated young people who engage well in their learning and are achieving success. They have a very good understanding of their progress and their next steps in learning.” “The very strong sense of shared values across the school community which is underpinned by the school’s Catholic identity and reflected in every aspect of the school’s work. This is central to the wellbeing, development and successes of young people.” “The consistently high levels of attainment of all young people. In particular, the school’s work to improve equity is raising the attainment of those young people facing additional challenges.”

5 High standards - Be a role model
Behaviour Timekeeping Uniform Interactions Wider community

6 S5 –New Challenges! Achieving Potential

7 Achieving your Potential
Work hard at school Work hard at home Demonstrate a Growth Mindset - Positive Attitude Building blocks for success

8 Growth Mindset Whole school initiative – Introduced session 2017-18
All staff trained Introduced to all pupils – workshops/supporting learners programme Used as part of learning and teaching across departments Key aspect of our mentoring approaches



11 Michael Jordan

12 Conor McGregor UFC World Champion


14 Pupil feedback Learning about growth mindset has allowed me to believe in myself and has given me the confidence to use mistakes as learning opportunities. It allowed me to see I had a fixed mindset quite often before. Now rather than thinking “I can’t do it” I say to myself “I can’t do it YET” I’m not as lazy as before because I’ve seen that if I focus on the right things I can improve.

15 SQA courses High quality course programmes High quality teaching

16 Information Course content Assessment arrangements SQA exam timetable

17 Assessment Maths External Exam 100% Biology
External exam 80% Internal Assignment 20% Design & Manufacture External exam 47% Internal Assignment 53%

18 Information Internal assessment calendar Updates on the school website

19 Monitoring and Tracking Pupil Progress
Your child’s progress, across subjects, is monitored and tracked monthly throughout the year Support systems are in place Pupils are made aware of their role in this Supports your child to achieve their potential and get the best possible grades

20 What’s Being Tracked Every month the following information is submitted by subject teachers Target Grade Working Grade Behaviour rating Effort rating Homework rating This information is shared pupils and with parents at key points throughout the year.

21 What is a Target Grade and Working Grade?
Target grade – What your teacher believes you are capable of achieving in the course. Working grade – this is the level at which your teacher feels you are working and achieving at. What you are on track to get.

22 Ratings – Entered Monthly
Higher and Nat 5 A => 1 B => 3 C => 5 D => 7 No award => 8 Behaviour, effort and homework 1->4

23 Pupil role Give 100% effort – demonstrate a growth mindset
Be part of monthly discussions with your teachers Listen carefully to their advice. Ask for help if you need it – they want you to do well If your grades/ratings indicate that improvements can be made then you must take responsibility and start to work on making these improvements. Your teacher will give you advice on how to improve.

24 Key dates – Clear Communication
Tracking reports issued – October, January, April Full report November Prelims - January Parents meeting –February SQA exams begin - May

25 Support Study techniques Goal Mapping Stress Management
Targeted mentoring programme Online – scholar package

26 Supported Study Lunchtime/after school Sign up online
Attendance/Effort monitored Transport

27 Easter school Full programme over the 2 weeks Pupils sign up online
Attendance/effort monitored

28 Working together to achieve potential
Encouragement Check homework – Talk about experiences Balance workload with relaxation Limit social media Contact us sooner rather than later



31 Michelle Obama

32 Be Your Personal Best Good luck

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