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Careers in Information Technology

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1 Careers in Information Technology
Dr. Ron McGaughey Professor of Management Information Systems University of Central Arkansas

2 IT Job Market Nationwide
The number of job openings for IT professionals nationwide has increased by 42.4% from 2004 to 2006. (SkillProof, 2006—for more information see

3 The Shortage US Department of Labor projections suggest that ``computer/math scientist'' jobs, which include programming, will increase by 40%, from 2.5 million in 2002 to 3.5 million in (source: Dept. of Labor Statistics) Colleges (important suppliers in this labor market) are not keeping up with demand (employer demand for graduates in Technology fields). A 2005 survey of freshmen showed that just 1.1% planned to major in computer science, down from 3.7% in (source: Business Week Online) These jobs are not all going offshore--only 5% of the “Technology” jobs have gone offshore. Currently in the US, for every 9 jobs created here, one job goes offshore. (source: Business Week Online)

4 Average Number of Job Openings for IT Professionals
Nationwide, 2004 – 2007 (SkillProof, 2007)

5 Growth of Job Openings by Category, Nationwide, 2004 – 2007(projected)
IT Sales and Marketing 121.9% Business/Process Design 106.3% IT Management 77.7% Software Development 75.5% IT Architects/Consultants 65.9% Systems Administration 56.6% Systems Engineering / Support 59.4% (SkillProof, 2007)

6 Job Openings by Category,
Nationwide, 2006 and 2007 (projected) Systems Engineering / Support 48,500 61,300 Software Development 37,000 46,100 IT Management 26,100 30,100 IT Architects/Consultants 24,800 28,600 IT Sales and Marketing 15,800 18,000 Systems Administration 8,300 9,600 Business/Process Design 6,000 7,300 (SkillProof, 2007)

7 Most Required Tech Skills,
Nationwide, 2006 and 2007 Job Openings (estimated) Technology (projected) MS Windows O/S 32,900 41,900 SQL 26,000 34,900 Java 25,300 33,800 C++ 23,700 33,600 Oracle DBMS 17,000 19,700 XML 14,700 21,800 HTML 14,700 12,000 Linux 14,200 24,640 (SkillProof, 2007)

8 Estimated IT Job Openings
Arkansas, 2004 – 2007 The number of job openings for IT professionals in Arkansas has increased by 200% from 2004 to 2006. (SkillProof, 2007)

9 Estimated IT Job Openings
Arkansas, 2004 – 2007 (SkillProof, 2007)

10 Salary Arkansas According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS) in its latest Occupational Employment Survey (OES), computer and mathematical occupations ranked fourth in income of all occupations in 2006 after Management, Legal and Architecture and Engineering Occupations and before business and financial operations occupations in Arkansas. The mean income estimate for computer and mathematical occupations for 2006 is $51,790 (SkillProof, 2007)

11 Salary Statistics IT related jobs are among the best paying jobs with the highest expected growth rates. (Money.Com at Job Growth Rate (10 years) Annual Salary and Bonuses Software engineer 46.07% $80,427 Computer and information scientists, research 25.63% $96,797 Computer/IT analyst 36.10% $83,427

12 Check it out yourself! The Future of IT (Microsoft Corp.) good overview of job situation—shortage. Salary.Com about salaries. Job Web job outlook for various jobs and much more. SkillProof job stats updated regularly—very US Dept. of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics look up jobs, outlook, salaries, etc. Microsoft Learning (IT Careers) lots of links to other relevant sites pertaining to jobs, salaries, job outlook, etc.

13 For Questions about SkillProof
contact: Henning Seip SkillPROOF Inc. 55 Broad Street, 10th floor New York, NY 10004 ph:

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