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e-CODEX Requirements II Discovery

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1 e-CODEX Requirements II Discovery
BDXR, 2012/07/27

2 Different Communication Partners
Civil Law use cases: Citizen-to-court Through European e-Justice Portal / e-TrustEx as service provider Criminal Law use cases: Court-to-court Higher security requirements Title 17/01/2019

3 Court-to-Court-Communication
Similar to PEPPOL, but easier: Ultimate recipient (local) address is known One gateway per country Gateway to send to depends only on recipient country DNS-type lookup of gateway is possible if Logical address (“Recipient identifier”) has a part encoding the country (e.g. “domain name” part) Logical address also encodes local recipient address Title 17/01/2019

4 Citizen-to-court communication
Different from PEPPOL Gateway discovery is again the easy part: End users know the country they want to send to One gateway per country Static configuration / DNS-Lookup More diffucult is to find out which court to send to (end entity address) Title 17/01/2019

5 End Entity Addresses End Entity Addresses generally not known
Courts as recipients Complex business logic to determine (most) competent court depending on case type (civil/criminal), defendant’s residence, amount of claim, free choice, … Citizens as recipients Citizens initiate the communication, providing their reply-to address Local address books usually not accessible Title 17/01/2019

6 European Court Atlas Long-term plan in the e-Justice working party
Central database of courts “Replication” mechanism for national court databases Some countries would have preferred a federated model Not all countries have a local Court Atlas Title 17/01/2019

7 Short-term plan e-CODEX
Simplified business logic (only a small number of courts participate) Discovery through web service calls? Discovery through business messages? Can DNS based lookup be applied here? Title 17/01/2019

8 Capabilities Capabilities vary between countries and sometimes even between courts: Need for pre-payment of court fees File sizes supported between gateway and ultimate recipient (Legally) accepted file sizes Supported claim type: Again related to location discovery Title 17/01/2019

9 Thank you for your attention!
Title 17/01/2019

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