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Let me get this straight

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Presentation on theme: "Let me get this straight"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let me get this straight
Let me get this straight? You binky is missing and you think Samantha hid it in the tire? Skill: Clarifying

2 Oh, I understand alright
Oh, I understand alright. Sometimes I get upset, too, when someone makes me go out for a walk. Skill: Feedback

3 Uh huh. . .I see. . . right…you don’t say…
Skill: Acknowledging

4 Skill: Perception checking
So let’s review your proposal … you give me a box of animal crackers every day and in return no one bothers you during nap time. Skill: Perception checking

5 I understand that you want to bury it here, but what happens when the tide comes in?
Skill: Clarifying

6 Wow, you just caught six sharks and three alligators…?!
Skill: Repeating

7 “Let me see if I have this right
“Let me see if I have this right. You think the guy with the beard dresses up as a rabbit and hides the eggs too.” Skill: Paraphrasing

8 Uh-huh…yeah…wow, really?!
Skill: Acknowledging

9 I know what you mean. Living out of a trunk can be such a trying experience.
Skill: Feedback

10 You said I need to read three books this week to earn the MP3 player
You said I need to read three books this week to earn the MP3 player. So does that mean Monday to Monday? Or Monday to Sunday? Skill: Clarifying

11 Thanks for taking the time to really listen.
Skill: Validating

12 Skill: Being Quiet

13 So. . . what you’re saying is the world is made up of a bazillion different people and we’re all spinning round and round on this little blue ball. Skill: Summarizing

14 Hey. look on the bright side
Hey look on the bright side. When Dad finds out you broke the window he won’t even care that you lost your lunch money. Skill: Interpreting

15 Skill: Perception checking
So, you think the plants are doing better since you started watering them four days a week instead of three? Skill: Perception checking

16 I know what you mean. It’s so frustrating
I know what you mean. It’s so frustrating. I never know what’s in the basket until we get to the check out line either. Skill: Feedback

17 You seem pretty upset about losing your rubber duckie.
Skill: Reflecting

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