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CAMPUS EVANGELISM, REVIVAL AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Abilene Christian University / Summit - Summer, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "CAMPUS EVANGELISM, REVIVAL AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Abilene Christian University / Summit - Summer, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAMPUS EVANGELISM, REVIVAL AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Abilene Christian University / Summit - Summer, 2008

2 Mobilizing Campus Ministries For Maximum Impact
DAY THREE Mobilizing Campus Ministries For Maximum Impact


4 DEFINITION Paradigm Shift : [par-uh-dahym, -dim] [shift] - noun
A change in basic assumptions or a major change in a certain thought pattern. A radical change in personal beliefs, systems or organizations, replacing the former way of thinking with a radically different way of thinking or organizing.


6 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning…

7 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes

8 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes from impurity of life, compromise of sin & partial holiness

9 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes from impurity of life, compromise of sin & partial holiness from isolationism & sectarianism

10 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes from impurity of life, compromise of sin & partial holiness from isolationism & sectarianism from placing primary emphasis on programs, events & activities

11 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes from impurity of life, compromise of sin & partial holiness from isolationism & sectarianism from placing primary emphasis on programs, events & activities from prayerlessness, or occasional prayer

12 There must be a turning…
PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a turning… from our spiritual pride, smugness & self-righteous attitudes from impurity of life, compromise of sin & partial holiness from isolationism & sectarianism from placing primary emphasis on programs, events & activities from prayerlessness, or occasional prayer from a “going to church” mentality toward “being” the church; from a building our ministry” focus to a Kingdom focus; from a “fortress mentality” to an offensive posture


14 PARADIGM SHIFTS There must be a moving…

15 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry

16 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry to a “war-time mentality” against the enemy

17 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry to a “war-time mentality” against the enemy to view revival, not as unusual, but as the intensification of the normal work of the Spirit

18 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry to a “war-time mentality” against the enemy to view revival, not as unusual, but as the intensification of the normal work of the Spirit to the level of the Bible

19 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry to a “war-time mentality” against the enemy to view revival, not as unusual, but as the intensification of the normal work of the Spirit to the level of the Bible to acknowledge and welcome the presence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (rather than viewing as distant deity)

20 There must be a moving… PARADIGM SHIFTS
to receive the Holy Spirit and fully embrace His ministry to a “war-time mentality” against the enemy to view revival, not as unusual, but as the intensification of the normal work of the Spirit to the level of the Bible to acknowledge and welcome the presence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (rather than viewing as distant deity) to seek God in evaluating and changing our effective tone

21 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

22 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
1. A Sure Foundation Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

23 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
2. A Godly Character Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

24 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
3. A Strong Set of Biblical Convictions Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

25 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
4. A Commitment to Adequate Preparation Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

26 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
5. A Strategic Plan Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

27 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
6. A Dynamic Outreach Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

28 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
7. A Priority Commitment To Make Disciples Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

29 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
8. A Ministry Geared to Making Disciples Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

30 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
9. A Launching Base for Sending Out Laborers Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

31 10 Keys for Reaching Today’s Student
10. A Global Focus Adapted from The Fuel and the Flame by Steve Shadrach, Authentic Media

32 Thank You For Your Attention Q&A

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