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YOUNG LEADERSHIP FORUM an open invitation for all people aged 18-26

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1 YOUNG LEADERSHIP FORUM an open invitation for all people aged 18-26
Come learn about how the importance of saving lives transcends interfaith and cross-border conflicts and the role that unification, trust, leadership and professional integrity play in the partnership between Israel’s MDA and Jordan’s Red Crescent medical services. Special international guest speakers President of the Jordanian Red Crescent, H.E. Dr Mohammed Al-Hadid Head of the MDA Director-General's Bureau, Uri Shacham Join us at the Beth Weizmann Community Centre (306 Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield South) on Tuesday September 9 at 6:15pm for dinner forum to begin at 6:30pm Entry is $10 which includes a Kosher Felafel dinner. RSVP’s essential to or call The ZCV and JCCV wish to thank Magen David Adom for their support.

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