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US Coast Guard Auxiliary

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1 US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Version: 9/15/ US Coast Guard Auxiliary This is the start off slide and should be left on this slide as the audience enters the room

2 US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Part 1 US Coast Guard Auxiliary We’re Just Like You …. Want to be one of us??? Membership is the answer !!!! This slide states the basic philosophy and concept that is to be put forth throughout the presentation. That concept simply being that WE, the Auxiliary Members, are from the same background and are in fact not much different from everyone else other than being members of the USCG AUX. This philosophy is critical to the marketing strategy because that’s the hook used to draw new members in and get them to where they want to be once they are members.

3 GREETINGS & WELCOME Not so long ago, I was sitting in your chair !!
Introduce all members in the room. Start off with an anecdote on how you started as an auxiliary member. I usually will point to someone, ask them their name, and say something like “I was sitting in your exact chair listening to someone like me telling me why I should join the USCG Auxiliary.”

4 What is the USCG Auxiliary?
The Volunteer Component of the USCG based on the four cornerstones below: 1) Member Services 2) Recreational Boating Safety 3) Operations & Marine Safety 4) Fellowship Explain what the USCG Auxiliary is but do not give detail at this time.

5 The 1st Cornerstone 1) Member Services
We match your interests with our needs Now you start with some info about each cornerstone but keep it SIMPLE and in plain English. Matching the prospects interest with USCG AUX needs is the main point to cover.

6 The 2nd Cornerstone 2) Recreational Boating Safety Public Education
Vessel Exams Distribution of Safety Literature Review the RBS features.

7 The 3rd Cornerstone 3) Operations & Marine Safety Operations Aviation
Communications Marine Safety Aids to Navigation Review the OPS & MS Features and focus on what you know or feel passionately about. REMEMBER, you will always sound more convincing when you talk from the heart about something near and dear to you. If you are a COMMS person then focus on Communications where your excitement will come through to the audience.

8 The 4th Cornerstone 4) Fellowship
Encourages close relationships, team work, and, of course, fun !!! Fellowship is critical and FUN so relay some fun times you’ve had with your group.

9 Diversity Breeds Broad Experiences
Capitalize on the tremendous value diversity brings to the Auxiliary. The broader the backgrounds of the people, the better the team functions as a whole and supports each other.

10 Who are our members? Teachers Sanitation Workers
Plumbers Retirees Butchers Doctors Moms Dads Carpenters Veterans Painters Bus Drivers Sales People Boaters Electricians Waiters Ham Operators Machinists Lawyers Police Officers Accountants Writers Fire Fighters Cooks Candlestick Makers As this slide builds on the screen, do not READ everything but use some examples like TEACHERS help us with PE & MT courses and Ham Operators help us with Communications and SALES PEOPLE help us get new members, etc. Use your own experiences and customize your points to how and where they fit for you as the presenter.

11 So why aren’t you? After all, we are just like YOU !!!
Membership Everyone can be a member as long as they are 17 years old and a US Citizen. So why aren’t you? After all, we are just like YOU !!! AGAIN, drive home the point that we are just like you so why aren’t you a member.

12 So when do you want to be one of us ?????
STAY TUNED We'll be back !! This is where you can either BREAK or continue with a PE Class or just go right passed here and continue as your requirements dictate.

13 US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Welcome Back !! US Coast Guard Auxiliary Leave this slide up when you are waiting to resume the presentation.

14 US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Part II US Coast Guard Auxiliary We’re Just Like You …. Want to be one of us??? Membership is the answer !!!! AGAIN, drive the main concept home which marries the fact that since we are just like you then why not join us and become a member !!!

15 What We Do as Auxiliary Members
We help save lives We teach boating safety to our communities We disburse valuable information We Augment the US Coast Guard Surface Vessels Watch Standing & JOOD Chef Program Academy Recruiting Elaborate as you see fit with the points on this slide. DO NOT JUST READ the slide.

16 What you can expect from the Auxiliary
Personal growth in gaining skills, abilities, and knowledge A sense of pride FUN !!! This is a critical slide because it’s covering what membership gives back to it’s members. ELABORATE !!! I always tell how I joined to work in Communications as a Ham Operator and ended up with 15 other jobs that I love including GIVING THIS PRESENTATION………… Never forget PRIDE and FUN and they are both heart warmers and attention getters !!!

17 During Emergencies – WE ARE THERE !!!
9/11 Ferried people off Manhattan Moved Military Maintained Security Zones in the Harbor Manned the Jones Beach Communications Bunker Talk about what we do during emergencies. ADD NEW items like Hurricane Katrina as you see fit to further personalize the presentation.

18 During Emergencies – WE ARE THERE !!!
Air Disasters Flight 800 Acted as backfill at the USCG Station Search & Rescue Security Zone Recovery Again, these are more examples of what we do during emergencies but feel free to add things you have done or are more current.

19 During Emergencies – WE ARE THERE !!!
Hurricanes Help in the aftermath Support Communications GREAT PLACE to talk about Hurricane Katrina.

20 During Emergencies – WE ARE THERE !!!
Boat Fires & Accidents Safety Patrols Interagency response support Let’s not forget the less nationally known emergency situations that we see every day. Personalize and customize to what you know which makes it more convincing and you more animated versus monotonous.

21 During Emergencies – WE ARE THERE !!!
Search & Rescue Executing Search Patterns Life Saving Try to recount a SAR Case that you were involved in that may be of interest.

22 FELLOWSHIP Parties, outings, & Change of Watch Ceremonies BBQ’s
Blessing of the Fleet Dinner / Dancing District Conferences Afternoons on the water or relaxing with your fellow members at a park Really go full throttle on the FUN SIDE of membership. The DONUT MAN is there because I always say I came for the Jelly Donuts which is almost always available at every meeting.

23 Jobs for EVERYONE !!! As a boater – Crew or Coxswain
As a retiree – Share your life learned lessons As a carpenter, electrician, or plumber – Apply your skills to our team As a teacher – Public Education or Member Training – As a communicator – Radio COMMS or our Watch Stander Program – As a sales person - Public Affairs, Recruitment, or Program Visitor As an HR person – Personnel Services As a counselor – Career Counseling As an accountant – Finance or Material Services As a writer – Publications As a fire fighter or police officer – use your skills to enhance our various programs Again, people can read so don’t you read everything for them but rather discuss some of the items listed especially if they apply to you or relate to you.

24 And so much more ….. Party Planner Photographer Good and Welfare
Emergency Response Planning Aside from what is listed, add anything you feel is appropriate that you can think of in your Flotilla, Division, or District.

25 So much to choose from so…… WHICH MEMBER ARE YOU GOING TO BE???
Conclusion VOLUNTEER and make the commitment for yourself, your community, and your country Remember, you don’t have to be on the water to help the USCG Auxiliary [we have members that cannot swim !!!] When was the last time you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in being part of a worthy cause? So much to choose from so…… WHICH MEMBER ARE YOU GOING TO BE??? Really drive these points home as they are critical. By asking WHICH member you are going to be already has the audience thinking about what they will do and not whether they should join.

26 Your NEXT Step Contact us by phone, , in person or see one of us in the room immediately following this presentation. THANK YOU !!! Acknowledgements: Division 13 01SR Recruitment & Retention Committee Ron Tomo, BC-PRT & Chair Patty Sewell Dave Levitan Photos: Ken Sommers, Ron Tomo, Joe O’Leary Make sure you have something that can be handed out with a way of contacting someone if they want to join. Try to talk with the audience after the presentation and make sure there are enough “recruiters” around to chat with the audience members if they have questions or want more information. Good Luck & Have FUN !!!!!!!!!! DO NOT ALTER THE CREDITS ON THIS SLIDE …………………. NOTE: ALL SPEAKERS NOTES BY RONALD A. TOMO, BC-PRT,

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