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“How Sensitive Are You?”

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Presentation on theme: "“How Sensitive Are You?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “How Sensitive Are You?”
Lab Review

2 List 1 ecological benefit provided by aquatic macroinvertebrates.
Decomposers (eat detritus) Form base of food chain—fish food!!!!!

3 Lab Station #1 A. Mayfly Nymph

4 Lab Station #1 B. Dragonfly Nymph

5 Lab Station #1 C. Hellgrammite

6 Dobsonfly Adult

7 Lab Station #1 D. Mayfly Nymph

8 Lab Station #1 B. Fishfly OR Dobsonfly Larva

9 Lab Station #2 A. Damselfly Nymph

10 Lab Station #2 B. Dragonfly Nymph

11 Lab Station #2 C. Mayfly Nymph

12 Lab Station #2 D. Water Snipe Larva

13 Lab Station #3 Fishfly OR Dobsonfly Larva

14 Fishfly Adult

15 Lab Station #3 B. Stonefly Nymph

16 Lab Station #3 C. Caddisfly Larva

17 Caddisflies

18 Lab Station #3 D. Freshwater Mussel

19 Lab Station #3 E. Gilled Snail

20 Lab Station #4 A. Blackfly Larva

21 Lab Station #4 B. Aquatic Sowbug

22 Lab Station #4 C. Scud

23 Lab Station #4 D. Leech


25 Lab Station #5 A. Crayfish

26 Lab Station #5 B. Water Penny

27 Lab Station #5 C. Alderfly Larva

28 Lab Station # 5 D. Damselfly Nymph

29 Lab Station # 6 A. Water Strider

30 Lab Station # 6 B. Damselfy Nymph

31 Lab Station # 6 C. Cranefly Larva

32 Lab Station # 6 D. Caddisfly Larva

33 Other Questions… Into which category would a water strider fit? Why?
In which type of water would you find only leeches? Name 2 kinds of pollution that could affect a stream’s biodiversity?

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