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MANAGEMENT GROUP FOR STATISTICAL COOPERATION Luxembourg 14-15 April 2016 4.2: Platform 2 and the Panel for Statistics in the ENP-East Jolanta Szczerbinska.

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Presentation on theme: "MANAGEMENT GROUP FOR STATISTICAL COOPERATION Luxembourg 14-15 April 2016 4.2: Platform 2 and the Panel for Statistics in the ENP-East Jolanta Szczerbinska."— Presentation transcript:

1 MANAGEMENT GROUP FOR STATISTICAL COOPERATION Luxembourg April : Platform 2 and the Panel for Statistics in the ENP-East Jolanta Szczerbinska Eurostat

2 Contents: Brief background – Platform 2 and Statistics Panel
Objectives of Statistics Panel Meetings of Statistics Panel Workshops Conclusions

3 The Eastern Partnership (EaP) - Background
Framework for EaP regional cooperation : launched in 2009 Joint initiative EU+MS+6 eastern European partner countries Regional dimension and national dimension (AA and DCFTA) Set-up of 4 platforms + panels under each platform 1. Democracy, good governance and stability, 2. Economic integration and convergence with EU sectoral policies, 3. Energy security, and 4. Contacts between people Platforms – for senior officials from MS and partner countries

4 The Statistics Panel - Background
A Statistics Panel under Platform 2 (other examples SME, transport, environment and climate change) 6 countries: AR, AZ, BE, MD, UA Eurostat chairs the Statistics Panel Panel activities based on the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Strategy for Statistical Cooperation in the ENP-East Region Objectives as specified in the Strategy for Statistical Cooperation in the ENP-East region Meetings at the level of experts with other stakeholders and civil society representatives

5 Overall Objectives of Statistics Panel
Good knowledge of the EU acquis in statistics in the countries concerned Availability of timely, comparable and good quality data relevant for AA/DCFTA and the EaP Regional strategy National statistical services applying the European Statistics Code of Practice at all stages of data production and dissemination NSSs coordinating the national statistical systems Improved services to users

6 Statistics Panel Meetings
The 1st Panel meeting on Business statistics: May 2015 in Minsk, Belarus The 2nd Panel meeting on Labour force statistics: October 2015 in Tbilisi, Georgia The 3rd Panel meeting on the European Statistics Code of Practice and the Generic Statistical Law May 2016 in Lviv, Ukraine The 4th Panel meeting on Price statistics: September 2016

7 Workshops under Statistics Panel
In 2016 a follow up workshop is planned on business statistics. In 2017 and 2018 two follow up workshops per year are planned. The workshops will gather specialists working in particular domains of statistics As a rule, the workshops expand on the topics already covered during the Statistics Panel meetings, focusing on a more practical application of the acquis in the domain, exchange of experience among the ENP-East countries, practical examples and case studies

8 Feedback after two meetings of Statistics Panel
As part of a review of Platform2 activities, a questionnaire was sent out to the EaP countries and MS asking for feedback on all Panels The Statistics Panel received a very positive feedback; high participation and involvement of MS was emphasized The EaP countries emphasised the value of MS experience and explanations provided, as well as the possibility to meet experts and peers in the domain, exchange experiences The countries proposed topics for next Panel meetings, welcomed the idea of follow-up workshops and the possibility to discuss in further detail the practical implementation of the acquis

9 Conclusions The Statistics Panel is proving to be a useful forum for the exchange of experience and demonstrates the willingness of the EaP countries to work together It is instrumental for the implementation of the Strategy for Statistical Cooperation in the ENP-East region and launching the implementation of the Association Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine The involvement of the MS in the Panel meetings is crucial to the success of those events Continued support of the MS to the planned Panel meetings and workshops would be much appreciated

10 Thank you for your attention!

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