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Weekly Objectives Mrs. Castellano's Class

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1 Weekly Objectives Mrs. Castellano's Class
May 28, Week 10 of 4th Nine Weeks Issue # 4 Mrs. Castellano's Class As part of your 20 minutes reading time, please use istation; storyline online; bookflix: jdrugan. PW: bookflix Read: Fluency Folder Wk. 25 Weekly Objectives Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Facts and opinions. Math – Financial Literacy Science – Insects Social Studies – Free Enterprise Last Day of School Friday, June 1, Early 11:25am. Students are welcomed to bring learning board games/games and food. Thank you to Mrs. Madrid and all parents for helping us with our Last Day of School class cultural celebration!!!! Congratulations students for completing 2nd Grade. Woohoo! I am very proud of you! You have worked very hard and now you deserve a vacation! I wish you all the best next year and your future. Remember, to work hard; don’t give up; and learn from your mistakes. Enjoy your summer and be safe! I will miss you very much! Thank you parents for a wonderful year! Thank you for supporting and working with us all year. It was truly fun and a great pleasure and joy knowing all of you and having the amazing opportunity to know you on a personal level. Thank you for entrusting your little ones to me! I will certainly miss them. I wish you all a fun summer! Enjoy the pleasures of spending time together! May 28, 2018: Memorial Day. No school. No backpacks on last day of school - Friday, June 1, 2018.

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