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Goal: Better Health Outcomes 1

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1 Goal: Better Health Outcomes 1
Goal: Better Health Outcomes 1.3: Transitions from one service to another, for disabled people and people from black and minority ethnic communities are made smoothly with everyone well informed. Transitions from one service to another, for disabled people and people from black and minority ethnic communities are made smoothly with everyone well informed.

2 Trust Policies GMMH Bed Management Policy Admission & Transfer processes across district bed based services. EIA complete. Manchester had a policy which was more explicit surrounding communicating disabilities on transfer CPA Policy CPA principles include disadvantage or difficulty experienced as a result of ethnicity (e.g. immigration status; race/cultural issues; language difficulties; religious practices), and as a result of sexuality or gender issues. Assessments – Communication, cultural, gender, religious, spiritual and access needs Care Planning-Be accessible in language and format

3 GMMH Recording of service users disability status

4 Equality Act 2010 The Act generally defines a disabled person as a person with a disability. A person has a disability for the purposes of the Act if he or she has a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities Examples- developmental, such as autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), dyslexia and dyspraxia; • learning disabilities; • mental health conditions with symptoms such as anxiety, low mood, panic attacks, phobias, or unshared perceptions; eating disorders; bipolar affective disorders; obsessive compulsive disorders; personality disorders; post traumatic stress disorder, and some self-harming behaviour; • mental illnesses, such as depression and schizophrenia.

5 Trust Recording

6 roach GMMH approach- Moving forward
Referenced in GMMH corporate equality objectives ( ) To strengthen data collection of the protected characteristics of our service users Paris Implementation- 81% disability status is not recorded (compared to ethnicity 93% recorded) Target is currently not performance managed –however submitted to MHSDS. roach

7 Accessible Information Standard

8 GMMH has an Accessible Information Standard Policy The Accessible Information Standard (NHS England) directs and defines a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents, where those needs relate to a disability, impairment or sensory loss One of the AIS/principles is to ‘share information related to communication needs between professionals and agencies’ GMMH governance arrangements to achieve this are: *Monitoring AIS at Senior Clinician Group and Performance Measures *Changes to paris/Letter formats/alerts *Procurement of Braille, Sign Solutions, text messaging. * GMMH webpage layout/BSL available in clinical service section

9 Learning Disabilities Green Light Toolkit

10 GMMH arrangements The Trust has an identified lead and a governance framework to monitor Webpage for LD materials, easy read information. Care plan examples in LD /LD passport CPA Trust Group-TOR CPA Audit tool of greenlight toolkit LD services Admitting/Transferring service users- complaints- LD staff awareness

11 Accessible Information Standard
GMMH BME related information/services available Accessible Information Standard

12 Carer and MHA information in different languages available on the webpage
CPA policy-Care plans should reflect diversity of culture and ethnicity, gender and sexuality. Access to multi-faith chaplaincy services Multi- cultural menu choice Interpreter Policy- however GMMH does not have a list of preferred providers

13 Examples of Menus

14 Next steps Developing E&D strategy Review need for E&D Policy
Establishing protected characteristics user groups Strengthening governance arrangements Strengthening E&D business planning

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