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Animal Behavior.

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1 Animal Behavior

2 Behavior = is anything an animal does in response to a stimulus  All behaviors have an adaptive value, meaning they increase the chance of survival

3 Innate Behaviors (aka inherited behaviors)
= behaviors that are genetically programmed Reflex - a simple automatic response that involves no conscious control Can be beneficial in the fight or flight response Is controlled by hormones

4 Innate Behaviors Instinct - is a complex pattern of behavior (takes more time than reflex)

5 Innate Behaviors Courtship behavior – carried out before the male and female mate. Allows for recognition of the same species

6 Innate Behaviors Territoriality - the defense of a physical space
Reduces conflict, competition, and population growth

7 Innate Behaviors pheromones are used to “mark” a territory

8 Innate Behaviors Aggressive behavior – is the means by which an animal defends its territory

9 Innate Behaviors Dominance hierarchy - is a form of social ranking within a group Forming a hierarchy is innate, but individuals must learn their position

10 Innate Behaviors Circadian rhythm - behavior based on a 24 hour cycle

11 Innate Behaviors Migration - behavior that occurs seasonally or yearly, stimulated by changes in day length Navigation results from the learned behavior of geographical cues

12 Innate Behaviors Hibernation - reduced metabolism during very cold temperature change

13 Innate Behaviors Estivation - reduced metabolism during very hot temperature change

14 Learned Behaviors = behaviors that are modified through practice or experience Habituation - not responding to a repeated stimulus

15 Learned Behaviors Imprinting - forming a social attachment during a critical period

16 Learned Behaviors Operant conditioning (aka trial and error) – learning that results from receiving a reward/punishment for a particular response This can be related to motivation, an internal need that causes action.


18 Learned Behaviors Classical conditioning – learning to respond to a stimulus that would not normally produce that response

19 Pavlov’s Dog

20 Learned Behaviors Insight - learning where an organism uses prior experience in order to respond to a new situation

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