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Stretch Database - Historical data storage in SQL Server 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Stretch Database - Historical data storage in SQL Server 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stretch Database - Historical data storage in SQL Server 2016

2 Agenda What is Stretch database? Is Stretch Database for you?
Architecture Stretch database limitations

3 Vitor Fava SQL Server Database Consultant at Pythian MVP Data Platform
Module 0: Introduction Course ####y Vitor Fava SQL Server Database Consultant at Pythian MVP Data Platform Pass Chapter Leader at SQLManiacs Welcome students to the course and introduce yourself. Provide a brief overview of your background to establish credibility. Ask students to introduce themselves and provide their backgrounds, product experience, and expectations of the course. Record student expectations on a whiteboard or flip chart that you can reference during class.

4 How to store historical data?
Filegroups; Move old data to another server;; High cost with maintenance and license;

5 What are the benefits of Stretch database?
Provides cost-effective availability for cold data; Doesn’t require changes to queries or applications; Streamlines on-premises data maintenance; Keeps your data secure even during migration;

6 What does Stretch database do?
SQL SERVER 2016 Azure

7 Is Stretch Database for you?
Decision Maker DBA I have to keep transactional data for a long time The size of my tables is getting out of control Sometimes I have to query the cold data My users say that they want access to cold data, but they only rarely use it I have apps, including older apps, that I don’t want to update I have to keep buying and adding more storage I want to find a way to save money on storage I can’t backup or restore such large tables within the SLA

8 Stretch Database - Architecture
Remote endpoint Remote data On-premises instance Azure Internet Boundary Local database Local data Eligible data Linked Servers

9 Stretch Database - Architecture

10 Stretch Database - Backup

11 Stretch Database - Restore

12 Stretch Database - Restore


14 Limitations- Tables > 1023 columns; > 998 indexex FILESTREAM;
FileTables; Replication; CT or CDC; In-Memory

15 Limitações – Data Types
timestamp sql_variant XML geometry geography hierarchyid CLR user-defined types (UDTs)

16 Limitações – Constraints
Check constraints Foreign keys that references the table Default constraints

17 Limitações – Indexes XML indexes Full text indexes Spatial indexes
Indexed views that reference the table

18 Conclusion We can store historical data; Transparent to applications;
We can use Always Encrypted and Row-Level security Some importante limitations;; More complex backup management;

19 References
Stretch Database Intro to Stretch Database DBAs Guide to Stretch Database

20 Thank You! Vitor Fava @sqlservermaniac

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