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Trento Co-location EIT ICT Labs Italy

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1 Trento Co-location EIT ICT Labs Italy
Fernando Guarino Autonomous Province of Trento “Sistema Trentino dell’Alta Formnazione e della Ricerca”

2 Trento within the context of EIT ICT Labs
EIT ICT Labs consist of: 6 full nodes associate clusters

3 EIT ICT Labs @Italy co-located in Trento
Trento as an ideal Region for innovation First class research centres and university Governance committed to support ERB initiatives Legislative Capacity to support ERB initiatives A short chain for decision process Territorial Labs as main drivers of innovation

4 EIT ICT Labs @Italy EIT ICT Labs @Italy:
a nation-wide network of research, education and business players each involving some of the most active Italian regions: SMEs, Local Governments, and Public Administrations with core partners co-located in Trento Italian Regions (SMEs, Gov., P.A.) EIT ICT Affiliated Partners Core Partners

5 The Vision: Innovation at the Regional Level
Regions: The right places for innovation … where innovation meets society: policy makers, organizations, SMEs, people “Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative – Innovation Union” “External Evaluation of the EIT: Final Report, May 2011” EIT ICT involves through its partners some of the most active Italian regions: Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte, Toscana, Trentino … realizes this vision through Territorial Labs, as an evolution and extension of the Experience and Living Labs

6 The Node: Excellence (data strictly limited to ICT)

7 The Node: The Co-location Centre
500+ researchers will be involved in EIT ICT The co-location site is already available at the Trento ICT campus We have square meters in addition to FBK / University space Telecom Italia Research Lab was formally established on April 8th, 2011 Engineering will open in 2011 (a business unit already in Trento) We have plans for co-location of SMEs (e.g., GPI on July 6th 2011) , spin offs Space is available for affiliated partners

8 Work Plan: Territorial Labs as the Drivers
Territorial Labs are territory-wide labs Key business model enabler: territorial data allow for new kinds of services Territorial labs apply to all three dimensions of ERB: Research: results tested in realistic settings Education: hands-on experience for students in Masters and PhD courses and/or during summer/winter schools Business: market tests, comparison among alternative business models, assessment of the impact on organizations Integration at the KIC Level being developed with EIT ICT Labs partners

9 Financial Plan: Dedicated Public Funding
76 M€ over 5 years available: for co-funding carriers & catalysts additional & dedicated to EIT ICT Labs (!) The first instalment (20 M€) already made the remainder (56M€) will be provided as soon as we become a co-location centre agreement already signed!

10 Added Value The Trento Regional Model The Italian Network of Regions
An approach that can be extended to the KIC Territorial Labs applied simultaneously to ERB A new business model based on Territorial Labs A window into the Mediterranean area (e.g., Israel) A substantial financial co-fund

11 Conclusions The Vision: A nation-wide network of the most active Italian regions with outstanding research, education and business players – colocation in Trento exploiting its excellence EU dimension: EU Key Companies as core partners Readiness: Node, Partners, Formal Agreements, Co- location Centre, Space, Funds … all available now! Funds: 76 M€, additional and dedicated funds for co- funding EIT ICT Labs activities Deep involvement in KIC activities, e.g., we contributed to more than 40 proposals for 2012

12 Bedankt! Danke! Kiitos! Merci! Tack!

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