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VISUAL RHETORIC By: Jewlee Sneed Picture title: Red Shoes Organization: Amnesty International Date Published: March 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL RHETORIC By: Jewlee Sneed Picture title: Red Shoes Organization: Amnesty International Date Published: March 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISUAL RHETORIC By: Jewlee Sneed Picture title: Red Shoes Organization: Amnesty International Date Published: March 2008

2 BACKGROUND Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a global movement that has the support of over 150 countries. The cause is to stop the abuse of human rights. The rights that all humans deserve is defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3 WHAT DO YOU SEE? A small child in an adult womans heels. A street corner with car lights and a faint man walking by.

4 WHAT IS TRYING TO BE PORTRAYED? The legs are of a small child. Shes standing on street corning in heels that are made for a much older woman. I think that the young girl is in child prostitution. The advertisement is against child prostitution because Amnesty International is for human rights and this girl is way to young to decide that she wants to sell herself and is probably a slave.

5 WHO IS THE AUDIENCE? The audience can really be anyone. Everyone knows that forcing a child to preform actions that should be reserved for someone much older is wrong. The advertisement is for anyone who will help the campaign against child prostitution.

6 WHAT IS MISSING FROM THE PHOTO? The girls body is the most obvious thing that is missing. This is probably to generalize what types of girls are being forced. Where she is located is also unknown. This is probably to also show that this problem is not localized to one place; that is could happen almost anywhere.

7 HOW DOES CROPPING OUT THE UNFITTED HEELS CHANGE THE PICTURE? If the heels look as if they fit the girl wearing them, then the audience does not infer that it is a child. This would just be an advertisement against prostitution.

8 WHAT ARE THE PROS & CONS OF THIS AD? This ad shows that child prostitution is still a problem that we must face. It also evokes a need to help the young girl placed in this situation. The advertisement is not very clear. Young girls who are at risk of being forced into this situation are not likely to understand the purpose, so it does not serve as a very good warning. Pros: Cons:

9 JUXTAPOSITION The juxtaposition in the advertisement is the small feet and legs of the child inside of the big heels. This points out how much older she should be to be in those shoes.

10 PATHOS How does this picture make you feel? This picture gives me a feeling of despair for the girls that need our help. It also makes me happy that someone is addressing the problem so that it is hopefully fixed.

11 ETHOS Why is the creator of this advertisement a credible source to listen to? Amnesty International has been a reliable organization for over 50 years. They have helped a lot of people. The logo for Amnesty is also located in the top right corner.

12 LOGOS What is the logical appeal? Obviously, sex is reserved for those who willingly choose to do it. A child is not mature enough to make the decision whether she is ready to become sexually active or not. This audience knows all of this and the ad, with that information, shows the evil of forcing a child into prostitution. Also, prostitution is illegal at any age in America, so that just adds to how unacceptable it is.

13 WORKS CITED Amnesty International. Red shoes. Learn about human rights. Amnesty International. March 2008. Web. 15 November 2011. Amnesty International. About Amnesty International. Who We Are. n.d. Web. 15 November 2011.

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