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Classroom Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Teaching

2 Objective Identify ways to Keep students engaged
Promote thoughtful student responses and questions

3 Discuss What part of your topic is difficult for students?
What is Learning? Learning: Process in which a person constructs self-consistent, appropriate meaning. Promote: student practice, JIT explanations, student questions, Hinder: talking, transitions, grouping

4 Ponder How long can students pay attention to a teacher?
How much information can someone keep in short term memory? How do long-term memories form? 1. About seven chunks. 2. About five minutes 3. By practice.

5 Discuss Which classroom activities promote learning?
Which classroom activities hinder learning? Learning: Process in which a person constructs self-consistent, appropriate meaning. Promote: student practice, JIT explanations, student questions, Hinder: talking, transitions, grouping

6 Lecture Efficiently transmits information to many students
Attention drops quickly Students are passive, not active

7 Adjustments to Lecture
Use frequent exercises for student practice/application Reset their short term memory Passive      active Practice HOTS Example: Bloom’s Taxonomy lecture How could I have shortened that long exposition? How? By having students make examples after each level.

8 Asking Quesions Ask question Give think time Call on student to answer
Invite further questions

9 Wait Time / Think Time Ask a question Wait for an answer
Wait longer than you might expect Ask for the answer

10 Wait Time Benefits Better answers and questions
Participation from more students More engagement from students Especially when there are communication / language barriers

11 Classroom Procedures For common tasks that can drain class time
Set positive expectations for student behavior

12 Procedures for Attention Grouping / Pairing Submitting papers
Transitions Asking questions            Do some gradual release of control on possible procedures and how to teach them. 1. hand raise, clap once; 2. assignment lists, voluntary procedure 3. sticky high five

13 Keeping Time Have a clock, watch, or phone If time runs short: DO
Find a break point Omit a topic Refer to textbook Assign exercise DON’T Talk faster Skip exercise / assessment

14 Exit Slip What is the most important thing you hope to remember from this workshop? or What unanswered question about teaching do you still have?

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