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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution
Chapter 22 Sec. 1

2 The Renaissance inspired the scientific revolution
Rebirth of art and learning Inspired curiosity Scholars question ideas that had been acceptable for hundreds of years

3 Age of Exploration inspired the scientific revolution
European explored Asia, Africa, and the Americas – lands were inhabited by peoples and animals previously unknown to Europeans New truths to be found – printing press helped spread challenging ideas Scientific research for navigating – Astronomy and mathematics

4 Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomer – Studied planetary movements for more than 25 years. Reasoned that the earth, planets, and stars revolved around the sun Theory called: Heliocentric (sun-centered theory) Published findings in 1543 (last year of his life) On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies

5 Johannes Kepler Mathematician
Mathematical laws govern planetary motion Planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits instead of circles Proved Copernicus’s basic ideas were true

6 Galileo Galilei Italian Astronomer Built own version of the telescope
Starry Messenger – Famous astronomy book Catholic Church condemned Galileo as a heretic. Sent to face the Pope and the Inquisition. Faced torture and death. Had to sign a confession that he disagreed with Copernicus’ theory Never a free man. Lived under house arrest. His ideas still spread throughout Europe. In 1992 the Catholic Church officially acknowledged that Galileo had been right

7 Isaac Newton Mathematician and Physicist
Law of Motion: every object in the universe attracts every other object. Degree of attraction depends on mass of the objects and there distance. Published ideas in 1687 The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

8 Scientific Instruments
Microscope – 1590 (observed bacteria) Barometer – 1643 ( predicting weather) Mercury Thermometer

9 Medicine Andreas Vesalius – dissected human corpses and published observations Edward Jenner introduced a vaccine to prevent smallpox

10 Chemistry Robert Boyle – matter was made up of smaller particles joined together. Law’s explain how the volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other.

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