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Comparing China and India

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1 Comparing China and India

2 India’s GDP Growth Rate Overtook China’s in 2015

3 In 2017, China’s Economy ($12. 2 trillion) is 4
In 2017, China’s Economy ($12.2 trillion) is 4.7 times the size of India’s ($2.6 trillion)

4 China’s net inflows of FDI ($168B) is also more than four times that of India ($40B)


6 Compare China and India - Population
China and India are comparable in surprisingly few areas besides total population size (1.4b vs. 1.3b) India has a much younger population than China’s. Median age of 27.9 versus China’s 37.4 Total fertility rate is also much higher in India. 2.4 children per woman versus China’s 1.6 Malnutrition is more prevalent among Indian children. 43.5% of children under the age of five are underweight in India 3.4% for China


8 Compare China and India – Diversity
India is a much more diverse society than China Ethnic groups India: Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25% China: Han Chinese 92%, plus 55 other officially recognized ethnic groups Official languages India: Hindi most widely spoken (41%) plus 14 other official languages China: Chinese with various dialects, plus ethnic minority languages India: Federal system and parliamentary democracy China: Unitary system and Communist party-state

9 Compare China and India: economic structure
GDP Agriculture Industry Service China 8.3% 39.5% 52.2% India 15.4% 23% 61.5% Employment 27.7% 28.8% 43.5% 47% 22% 31% * Arable land 11% in China and 53% in India

10 Survey in 2014: Free Market Economy Better

11 Variation in reregulation
China India textile Dismantled the Ministry Sector associations govern market activities Strictly regulates production and retail Prohibits FDI telecommunications Ended state monopoly in 1993 State-owned carriers operate basic services A centralized Ministry manages infrastructural development and market access across subsectors Completely liberalized services and equipment by the early 2000s

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