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Mrs Stannard– Vice Principal

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Stannard– Vice Principal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Stannard– Vice Principal
The Basics

2 How can you help ensure your child remains happy and healthy throughout GCSE?
1. Extra curricular Activities in school 2. Enrichment and balance 3. A healthy diet and recognising the importance of sleep 4. Managing stress 5. Revision guides and resources 6. Managing mobile phones and technology 7. Tutoring, intervention and revision 8. Agree a revision timetable Examples of things to do to add to their well being and increase their cultural capital London Museums- free and local University talks and visits Charity work and Volunteering in the local community Play a team sport Learn a new skill Attend a lecture

3 What can you do? • Attendance officer – make sure your child is in school and understands the importance of making the most of time in lesson and revision. • Resource manager– provide a quiet space, a ‘workbox’ of pens, paper and other necessities. • Study buddy – showing an interest in the subject, helping with homework (but not doing it for them), testing them when they ask you etc. • Project manager – agreeing the rules for homework or revision, helping them to make a realistic timetable & balancing work against the ‘fun stuff’ • Communication manager - for your child and the school when necessary; coming to parents’ evenings, asking questions, making sure problems are nipped in the bud and asking the questions your child can’t or won’t - finding out about the subject, and exam structures.


5 Mr Khan – Vice Principal
Key dates in Year 11 from PPEs to Prom

6 Year 11 – Key Dates Pre Public Exams 1: Week commencing Monday 29th October Year 11 Parents Evening 1: Pre Public Exams 2: Week commencing Monday Year 11 Parents Evening 2: Exam Season: Monday 6th May 2019 to 24th June 2019 End of Year Celebration: Prom on Monday 24th June 2019


8 Prom 2019 criteria Criteria for admission to the Prom, students must:
•Have an attendance of 95% or above from 29th October till end of exams or have significantly improved attendance. •Have 100% of their coursework completed and handed in to the subject teacher within subject deadlines. •Have at least a good or improved behaviour record •Have a good or outstanding attitude to learning across a range of subjects •Demonstrate exemplary behaviour during the exam period.

9 Prom arrangements The Prom will be held at Orsett Hall, Orsett, RM16 3HS. The price of the prom ticket is £45. This will include a 3 course meal, unlimited soft drinks and a DJ.

10 Mr Joseph Head of English

11 How do I revise for English?
Organising Knowledge Grouping understanding into plot, language analysis, structural analysis, context etc Sharing Knowledge Utilising academic buddies, friends and social media Testing Knowledge Exam practice, timed exam practice, exam practice Revising for progress

12 How do I help my child succeed? Parenting for progress
Before the test On the day of the test After the test Parenting for progress

13 How do I support my child before their test?
Be prepared: What is the test? Where are their previous attempts? What was your child’s last target? Guide them through problem areas: Where is their quiet space to revise? Are the just reading notes or recreating notes? Which revision books could they use? Monitor your child’s practice attempts: Where are the practice papers? How much time should I give them for each practice question? What does the mark scheme want them to do? Before the test

14 How do I support my child on the day?
Make sure your child gets a good nights rest and eats a healthy breakfast: When is their bed time? Where is their phone kept over night? What will they eat in the morning? Make sure your child is prepared: Have they double checked which paper they are sitting? Will they take flash cards with them to school? Do they have extra pens and highlighters? Remain positive: Praise their effort and not their results Remind them of past successes Help them to visualise how these exams support their future ambitions On the day of the test

15 How do I support my child after their test?
Deconstruct the results Where did your child make progress? Which areas are currently still challenging? What advice is the teacher giving and why? Homework: Are they doing their weekly homework to the best of their ability? Are you monitoring the dates and quality of the work? Can they explain how their homework is helping their classwork? Wider reading: Encourage them to read as much as possible to increase their vocabulary Encourage them to read around the literature texts Read broadsheet newspapers with them After the test

16 How do I help my child succeed? Parenting for progress
Before the test On the day of the test After the test Parenting for progress

17 #BeRemarkable

18 Ms Bell Head of Mathematics

19 AQA GCSE Maths 1-9: The context
Numbers or letters, what’s the difference? Grade 4: (C) Grade 5: (C+/B-) Grade 7: (A) Grade 8: (A*) Grade 9: (A**) Higher and Foundation Tier 65:35 (June 2016) 43:57 (June 2018) Several topics once reserved for Higher tier now appear on Foundation A-Level content now appearing on Higher Paper 1hr 30mins Date Paper 1: Non Calculator 80 Marks Thursday 21th May (am) Paper 2: Calculator Thursday 6th June (am) Paper 3: Calculator Tuesday 11th June (am)

20 Preparing for Maths: The Hard Truths
Independence is key Vast amount of resources online Completing 2 ques that MAKE YOU THINK > Completing 50 easy ones 30mins of focused work > 2hrs with a phone by your side 8 hours of sleep? Breakfast You can move 2 grades from now to the exams You can’t move 2 grades from Easter to the exams 5 hours of Maths per week 1hr tutoring ≠ 5 hours class work Every minuet in lessons count!

21 Where to look for help YouTube, YouTube, YouTube PiXL Maths App
Extra Revision Classes Your Maths teachers: MA1 will be open at lunchtimes Come with questions Pick up resources and exam questions Revision Guides £10 for both a revision guide and workbook Revision checklist corresponds with the workbooks

22 Last plea for Calculators!
2 Calculator exams 67% of the assessment requires a calculator Casio Scientific Calculator £ £12

23 Mr McLaughlin –Principal

24 The Next Step in Your Learning Journey
A big decision - choosing what you do next year

25 Make It An Informed Choice
‘Striving for Excellence’ Qualification – not just for next year! Consider possible career pathways What courses do you want to study? What are you good at? What do you enjoy? What are your interests? There may be subjects we do not offer What type of institution suits you? Its all about your APS (including English and maths)

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