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Presentation on theme: "Diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity

2 Genetic Diversity Why is it beneficial to have a large amount of genetic diversity in a population? Helps ensure the survival of a species More adaptations Less susceptible to extinction

3 Genetic Drift Gene flow refers to movement of alleles (through interbreeding) between different populations When populations are isolated, their populations become increasingly different over time Genetic drift

4 Alternation of Generations
Many plant life cycles alternate between a sporophyte (diploid) phase and a gametophyte (haploid) phase

5 Metamorphosis Metamorphosis is a process during which organisms change and develop Two types: Incomplete metamorphosis Complete metamorphosis

6 Incomplete Metamorphosis
Also called direct development Look like miniature adults when they hatch Example: grasshoppers

7 Complete Metamorphosis
Organism develops through completely different forms Juvenile and adult This means they do not compete for resources Fill different niches in the environment

8 Behaviors Animal behaviors can be classified into two categories.
Instinctive Learned

9 Instinctive Behaviors
Instinct: complex inborn behavior Also called innate No one has to teach it! Example: spider spinning a web

10 Learned Behaviors Behaviors that are learned throughout an animal’s life Imprinting Imitation Associate action with consequences

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