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NS4960 Spring Term 2018 Michael Ross, Blood Barrels

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1 NS4960 Spring Term 2018 Michael Ross, Blood Barrels
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Strong Dollar Weak Dollar

2 Michael Ross: Blood Barrels I
Wants to explain why conflict developing country oil producers. Not just oil – conflict often associated with diamonds and other minerals These countries often have a hard time sustaining growth for long periods of time Many have been plagued with: High levels of debt, High unemployment Sluggish or declining economies Half of members of OPEC were poorer in 2005 than they had been in 1975 Countries that had seemed on verge of great promise, Algeria, Nigeria, Iraq, and Iran were unable to capitalize on oil

3 Michael Ross: Blood Barrels II
Some causes of instability and poor performance Dutch Disease – tendency for exchange rate to become overvalued Discourages diversification Hurts non-oil export industries Sudden glut of revenues Few countries have fiscal discipline to invest windfalls prudently Many White Elephants Governance problems Tends to be increase in corruption Tendency for more authoritarian governments

4 Michael Ross: Blood Barrels III
Biggest danger associated with oil – armed conflict Among developing countries, oil producers twice as likely to suffer internal rebellion Oil wealth can trigger conflict in three ways 1. Can cause economic instability which leads to political instability When people lose jobs become more frustrated by government and easier to recruit into rebel armies Most oil producers have periods of booms and busts – during busts, government has harder time financially combatting rebel or separatist groups

5 Michael Ross: Blood Barrels IV
2. Oil wealth often helps support insurgencies Raising money is relatively easy – steel oil and sell it on black market Get foreign financing on promise of friendly deals once in power Extort money from companies in remote areas 3. Oil wealth encourages separatism Oil and gas often produced in enclaves that provide considerable revenue for central government, but few jobs for locals Locals feel not getting fair share – want autonomy

6 Threats to Oil Companies

7 Michael Ross: Blood Barrels V
Possible ways to combat problems – no single way to bring peace to oil producing states 1. Cut off funding for insurgents who profit from oil trade Refusing to buy oil that is sold by insurgents 2. Encourage governments of resource-rich states to be more transparent Lack of transparency facilitates corruption and reduces public confidence in state 3. Help oil states better manage the flow of their oil revenues – companies should bear more of risk of volatile prices Not mentioned by Ross – direct payment to population – sharing of oil wealth directly

8 U.S. Oil Imports: Venezuela
Venezuela: Falling Production EIA, Political Risks Foocus Attention on Supply of venezuelan Oil to the United States, January 22, 2013

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