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Religious Jesus Historical Jesus

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1 Religious Jesus Historical Jesus
& What Do We Really Know for Certain about Jesus? By: Matthew Martinez

2 The Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were all written in Greek and have been the chief sources used by scholars to learn about Jesus. Matthew and Luke are the only Gospels that record any information about Jesus before he reached the age of 30. Trustworthiness? Not completely because each gospel tells the story about Jesus from its own viewpoint!


4 Non-Canonical Gospels
Vary Widely in Trustworthiness Although, scholars believe that lodged within their writings are materials that might be helpful for understanding Jesus! Most scholars agree that if we include the non-canonical stories in the Bible then we may have to drastically reconstruct the life of Jesus. Stories are left out of the New Testament in order for us to believe in one type of Jesus; the religious one.

5 Is the baptism of Jesus even true?
Suspicious!!! OR Is the baptism of Jesus even true?

6 The Miracles and Teachings of Jesus
Jesus was said to be frustrated over people’s opinions that he was just a wonder worker and nothing more. Nearly 90% of what Jesus taught was connected with The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man.

7 How people view Jesus Jesus is understood as a person within the framework of apocalyptic eschatology. Jesus was merely a prophet announcing a renewal movement within Judaism. Jesus was in fact the Son of God, who died for our sins.

8 The life of Jesus is just too Complex

9 Religious Jesus Jesus is the Son of Man who came to die for our sins
He performed many miracles and was a great teacher.

10 Historical Jesus There is very little information and unreliable
resources to conclude who Jesus was really was and if he actually performed all the miracles he did.

11 ANY QUESTIONS you would like me to nervously answer ?

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