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The Uganda Public Service Human Resource Management Fraternity

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1 The Uganda Public Service Human Resource Management Fraternity
Hosting the 5th Annual Conference of the African Public Sector Human Resource Managers Network (APS-HRMnet) 27th – 31st August 2018 Theme Human Capital: Sustainable future for Africa – Agenda 2030 and 2063

2 Focus Introduction UPS-HRMnet APS-HRMnet

3 Introduction…. By June 2017, the Uganda Public Service Payroll statistics indicated that Human Resource Managers constitute 0.3% of the Human Capital strength in Ministries, Departments ,Agencies and Local Governments . With an estimated Uganda Public Service size of 310,000 officers the above statistic would imply that on average each Human Resource Manager superintends over about 370 staff .

4 Introduction…. This not only calls for understanding the field of Human Resource and how best to put employee talents to work for our respective MDAs and LGs, but also understanding our roles and responsibilities within the overall context of the institution and its objectives. Globally, HR Managers must drive the successful implementation of any development Agenda and nurture Effective, Professional, Efficient, Accountable, Innovative and People Focused Public Sector institutions. Africa has risen to the challenge

5 Introduction…. The Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers’ Network (APS- HRMnet) inaugurated in 2009 in Arusha aims at promoting and strengthening excellence, integrity and professional standards in the practice of human resource management in Public Sector institutions in Africa. Country Chapters have since been inaugurated and the Ugandan Chapter is the “Uganda Public Sector Human Resource Managers Network” inaugurated in December 2016.

6 UPS-HRMnet UPS-HRMnet:- Human Resource Managers (HRM) in the Uganda Public Service, was established to nurture human resource (HR) professionals into HR practitioners that provide extraordinary Public Service delivery. The association has a mission of promoting professionalism among Public Service HR Practitioners through Capacity Development, Communication, Networking and Building synergies with other HR practitioners in the corporate world.

7 UPS-HRMnet…. Fundamental beliefs :
Members of the UPSHRM net will all work towards the same vision Each HR manager in the Public Service, will competently execute their roles and drive key institutional decisions that positively impact service recipients Members will value continuous engagement in professional development There will be deliberate interventions to have and adhere to a synchronized set of service delivery standards for the HRM function across the country, the region and internationally UPSHRMnet operations are mainly guided by : UPS-HRMnet Constitution UPS-HRMnet Strategic Plan / /22 Uganda Public Service Policy and Regulatory Framework

8 Strategic Objectives: 2017/18 – 2021/22
Professionalization of HR Cadre Resource Mobilisation and Development Networks and Synergies Public Service Delivery

9 YEAR 1: Targets and Status
Professionalization of HR Cadre Operationalize Association website Concretized the Community of Practice framework and have it operationalized the Community of Practice Public Service Delivery Disseminate unanimously agreed in house service delivery standards for each HR Officer to refer to as they work Networks and Synergies Create Association members data bank that allows for identification of professional expertise of each member Develop a framework for hosting international HR professionals for cross border peer mentorship

10 Resource Mobilization and Development
Targets and Status…. Resource Mobilization and Development Establish Secretariat Operationalize modality for collection, banking and usage of subscription and membership fees Operationalize Association SACCO Develop an operational framework and roadmap with key milestones for resource mobilization and development

11 Rights and Obligations
To Vote in the elections of the Association’s general assembly and to be elected, nominated or appointed to any position or office of the Association. To express opinion, conscience and ideas subject to the provisions of this Constitution and to the legal and social order of the state.

12 Rights and Obligations….
Provide support to the Association in all respects including but not limited to contributing financially to the Association in the form of membership fees and annual subscriptions and other subscriptions as shall be agreed upon from time to time by members of the Association. Abide by the letter and spirit of the Constitution and give unreserved loyalty and service to the Association in so far as that does not contradict the values of the Association or contravene the legal and social order of the State. Attend meetings of the Association as and when such meetings have been convened.

13 Obligations…. Attend meetings of the Association as and when such meetings have been convened. Maintain and uphold professional integrity, academic excellence, acceptable moral and social values and image to other Association members and the public at large. Observe, disseminate, and cherish the values of the Association thereby acting as a Role Model to other members and the general public Benchmark best practices in local and international arenas of HR practice to facilitate the necessary improvements geared towards achieving best professional standards.

14 Why the Network must be “The” choice and not an option
Networking, Advocacy, Research, Documentation, Publication, Consultancy Training Capacity Development Workshops/Conferences

15 Capacity Development Workshops/Conferences
Hosted by various Governments on rotational and Voluntary Basis 2009 Arusha 2010 Benin 2011 & 2014 Ethiopia 2018 UGANDA

16 A P S M n e t The 5th Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers’ Network (APS-HRMNET) Conference Our theme : Human Capital: Sustainable Future for Africa – Agenda 2030 and 2063 Venue: Kampala Serena Hotel Date: 27th to 31st August 2018

17 Objectives of the Conference
Enhance awareness and knowledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and African Union (AU) Agenda 2063 among Human Resource Managers in Africa. 1 Clarify the implications of implementing Agenda 2030 and 2063 on human resource in the Public Sector. 2 Identify core competences required to achieve development goals in Africa, and how they can be built. 3 Strengthen linkages and create partnerships amongst Ministries responsible for Public Service, Local Governments, Private Sector, Civil society and Management Development institutes to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. 4

18 Objectives of the Conference
Enable the Sharing of best and successful Human Resource Practices for enhancement of productivity and service delivery for replication. 5 Enhance awareness of the Africa Public Service Charter 6 Spell out a roadmap for mobilisation of Capacity Development and Leadership of Public Sector Human Resource Managers for achieving the SDGs and Agenda 2035 7

19 Benefits of Hosting the Conference
Raising Uganda ‘s profile and boosting Uganda’s tourism sector Opening up networks and partnerships for Participants and their respective countries Short term economic benefits through spending of the delegates Capacity development for the Human Resource professionals in Uganda Prospect for hosting future conferences especially if this one if successful

20 Why you must be part of the 5th APS-HRMnet Annual Capacity building Conference?
Every relationship starts somewhere! Your relationship with the Human Resource Management professionals across Africa starts today. Human Resource professionals are critical in key decisions of their Institutions that support human capital growth and development, service delivery and socio economic transformation. This provides a rare opportunity for firming partnerships and widening our networks

21 Why you must be Part……. Business innovations that will mutually enhance professional and economic diversity. The professional and social al carte that has a key bearing on your growth in this global village Exposé of knowledge and Talent Management in Africa An opportunity to support the human resource network

22 Who will attend YOU Development Partners Leaders of Labour Unions
Employers Heads of Govt Ministries, Agencies, Local Govts and Policy Makers Human Resource Information Systems Designers and Developers Human Capital Devt Orgns Heads of Public Parastatals YOU Academia, Researchers and Publishers CEO,Ministers, Diplomats and Dignitaries Training Firms Reps. of Professional Bodies

23 Booking yourself in Registration
Registration Fees Fill out the APSHRM-net Annual Conference 2018 Registration Form found on the website for Uganda Public Service Human Resource Managers Network: Incase of any other emerging concern, clarification or guidance, communication can be made to Conference 2018 Secretariat DELEGATES EARLY REGISTRATION:BY 30TH JUNE 2018 LATE REGISTRATION NATIONAL USD 300 USD350 INTERNATIONAL USD 350 USD 400


25 Secretariat Executive Secretary APS-HRMnet, Mrs. Adah K. Muwanga
President UPS-HRMnet, Mr. Mike Mabonga Vice President UPS-HRMnet,Ms. Savia Mugwanya Executive Secretary UPS-HRMnet, Ms. Dorah Aryatuha Administrator UPS-HRMnet, Ms. Georginah Nsereko


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