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Grades 4-8 Augusta Boys Basketball

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1 Grades 4-8 Augusta Boys Basketball
Spring 2018

2 A. Factors that Determine Playing Time (Grades)
Grades are checked every Monday. A player must have a D in order to play in games and participate in practice. If a player is academically ineligible, he still must attend practice to be considered for playing time in games.

3 B. Factors that Determine Playing Time (Behavior)
Offensive or disrespectful behavior towards the coach, referees, or other educational staff at Augusta and other schools will not be tolerated. Such an incident will result in immediate loss of participation in games and practice, and possibility removal from the team.

4 C. Factors that Determine Playing Time (Practice)
Players must attend practice to be eligible for participation in games. If a student misses school, they cannot practice on that day. Players who do not miss practice will be given first preference for playing time. Players must be at practice on time. Late arrivals will result in loss of playing time.

5 D. Factors that Determine Playing Time (Games)
Acting disruptive on the bench with teammates, referees, or members of the audience. Fighting with an opposing player. Ejection from a game for misbehavior. Disrespect towards the coaches, or management team.

6 E. Road Trips Players must give the coach written permission from their guardians to not ride the team bus home. Players cannot ride home in another minor’s vehicle under any circumstances. If there is a “B” game, players are required to sit together as a team before dressing. On the Bus Guidelines: No profanity, horseplay, or misbehavior of any kind. Electronic devices will be permitted as long as they are used appropriately. If any inappropriate activity occurs with electronic devices, they will be collected.

7 F. Bullying, or Hazing Zero Tolerance: Any player who willingly physically, or verbally, harasses or bullies, another player at anytime during school, practice, games, or on road trips will immediately be expelled from the team.

8 G. Locker Room Rules Home and visiting locker rooms will be left clean and neat. If any inappropriate activity with electronic devices occurs, they will be collected before practice. Messy locker rooms will result in potential loss of playing time and/or group conditioning punishment in practice. Teachers and coaches are not maids!

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