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Muscular System Review

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System Review

2 Origin and Insertion

3 Parts of a Muscle muscle fiber, fascicle, endomysium, perimysium, epimysium, tendon

4 Tendon vs Aponeurosis

5 What’s in a name? Shape Origin and insertion Relative size
Directions of fibers Action Body region

6 Let’s give it a try… Latissimus DORSI TRANSVERSUS abdominis

7 Muscle contraction

8 Sacromere Dance 1. Ca+(balloons) rush in and causes change in SARCOLEMMA (cell membrane opens to all concentration gradient to flow in….) 2. Distracts chaperone (troponin and tropomyosin) (move from protecting bonding sites) 3. clubheaded boy actin reaches out to (lock lips) bind with lil miss Myosin 4. drags her to the middle of the dance floor-causing a shortening of sacromere

9 Terms Sarcolemma Sarcomere Fiber Fascicle myoglobin

10 Motor Unit

11 Smooth or Striated Voluntary or Involuntary location

12 Slow Twitch vs Fast Twitch

13 SLOW vs FAST RED in color Lighter Slow contraction fast
Stead fast fatiques easily High myoglobin low High mitochondria low

14 Isotonic vs Isometric

15 Antagonistic vs synergistic

16 Tetany vs Tone extended contraction vs slight constant contraction

17 Muscle Fatigue

18 Muscle Cramp-sustained contraction or overshortening

19 Rigor Mortis no animals were injured during this presentation

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